The influence of the ceramic crucible on chemical composition stability and purity of the REM–Fe–Co–B alloy during melting in a vacuum induction furnace is studied. It is shown that using MgO and Y2O3 as a working layer of the crucible allows to increase REM content stability in REM–Fe–Co–B system alloys and ensure high purity from aluminum and oxygen impurities. Usage of cobalt «K0» grade instead of «K1Au» grade as charge material leads to a significant reduction of nickel content in the melted alloy. For the first time the technology of melting of REM–Fe–Co–B alloys for temperature-stable magnets is designed. providing stability of chemical composition (REM ±1% by mass. from goal value, Co and B ±0,5% mass. from goal value) and high purity (aluminum and nickel impurities ≤0,1% mass. of each, oxygen impurity ≤0,05% by mass).
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In the paper an engineering technique of estimating the internal stresses arising in the coating after deposition and also during operation at elevated temperatures is proposed. The dependences of magnitude and character of the internal stress on the melting temperature of coating and base materials are revealed as well as upper and lower limits of the melting temperature of the coating material ensuring the maximum allowable strain in the coating. The influence of the coating thickness on the magnitude of the internal stresses is reviewed, a formula for determination of the internal stress in the coating after deposition depending on the melting temperature of the coating and base materials, their thickness and elastic modulus is found.
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A description how to create fiberglass for tail section skins of helicopter rotor blades instead of the currently used skins of organic textolite is provided. In order to make the skins it was decided to use unidirectional prepreg and two layers of glass textileforming in autoclave a monolith plastic with fixed binder content.. A selection of optimal reinforcement scheme from two options is executed. Bench test results showed that at the chosen reinforcement scheme the fiberglass plastic has high strength characteristics, endurance crack resistance and meets all the requirements for the tail section skins of helicopter blades.
2. Davydova I.F., Kablov E.N., Kavun N.S. Termostojkie negoryuchie poliimidnye steklotekstolity dlya izdelij aviacionnoj i raketnoj tehniki [Heat-resistant nonflammable polyimide glass fiber laminate for products aviation and rocketry] // Vse materialy. Enciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2009. №7. S. 2–11.
3. Popov Yu.O., Kolokol’tseva T.V., Khrulkov A.V. Novoe pokolenie materialov i tehnologij dlya izgotovleniya lonzheronov lopastej vertoleta [The new generation of materials and technologies for helicopter blade spars] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2014. №S2. S. 5–9.
4. Zhelezina G.F., Vojnov S.I., Pletin I.I., Veshkin E.A., Satdinov R.A. Razrabotka i proizvodstvo konstrukcionnyh organoplastikov dlya aviacionnoj tehniki [Development and production constructional organoplastikov for aviation engineering] // Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo centra RAN. 2012. T. 14. №4–2. S. 411–416.
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9. Timoshkov P.N., Platonov A.A., Khrulkov A.V. Propitka plenochnym svyazujushhim (RFI) kak perspektivnaya bezavtoklavnaya tehnologiya polucheniya izdelij iz PKM [Film resin infusion as an advanced method for out-of-autoclave processing of polymer composites] // Trudy VIAM: elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2015. №5. St. 09. Available at: (accessed: June 10, 2015). DOI: 10.18577/2307-6046-2015-0-5-9-9.
10. Muhametov R.R., Ahmadieva K.R., Kim M.A., Babin A.N. Rasplavnye svyazujushhie dlya perspektivnyh metodov izgotovleniya PKM novogo pokoleniya [Melt binding for perspective methods of production of PCM of new generation] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 260–265.
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Research results of effect of biaxial deformation on electrical and optical properties of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films with a transparent conductive coating of indium oxide alloyed by е tin (ITO) obtained by magnetron sputtering as a part of the organic triplex produced by a method of autoclave formation are presented. Suggestions on main causes of changes in resistance of the samples in the cyclic biaxial strain and subsequent relaxation are proposed.
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In this paper the historical aspect of foundation and development of physicochemical phase analysis technique for investigation of aviation alloys with different basic metals was considered. This work is dedicated to the memory of Natalia I. Blok in connection with the 125th anniversary of her birth. In fairness, it must be said that N.I. Blok and her research team discovered the γ'-phase in Nickel superalloy EI437B and founded the role of aluminum in γ'-phase formation, which was done for the first time in the world. This discovery contributed to the accelerated development of new superalloys for hot sections of gas turbine engines. The discovery of the fine dispersed γ'-phase formed the basis of the theory of heterophase superalloys strengthening, this theory was advocated by the academician S.T.Kishkin. The main achievements in the field of research of nickel alloys chemistry by the physicochemical phase analysis applicable in selection of new alloy compositions, in study of phase t
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This article describes a technique of the determination of boron (0,002–0,1 % wt.) in alloys of the Ni–Ti system (nitinol) using extraction-photometric method. To perform photometric measurements of solutions of Ni-Ti alloy nitrochrompyrazol reagent was selected, which forms a complex compound of magenta color with an anion of BF4- in the acidic solution of boron-bearing alloy. The intensity of color is proportional to boron concentration in the sample solution. In order to enhance reproducibility of analysis, reduce errors and eliminate the influence of impurities Nb, Ti, Zr, Fe, W and others, which are often presented in alloys of this type, a method of separating nitrochrompyrazol-boron complex compound from interfering components of alloy by means of its extraction by dichloroethane is proposed. On basis of the study a measurement technique of extraction-photometric determination of boron in the concentration range of 0,002–0,1% wt. in alloys of the Ni–Ti system has been developed
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Different types of operational damages of bearings of the complex technical systems, being both a cause of failure and consequence of violation of operation conditions are considered. On example of bearings damaged under operation or at tests the reasons of loss of their working capacity are established. Methods of Scanning Electron Microscopy have been used for investigation of mechanisms of fatigue and static failure of parts from bearing steels. Defects of metallurgical origin in the central zones of damages of bearings have been investigated by method of X-ray Microanalysis. Microstructure of the damaged parts of bearings has been studied by method of optical microscopy and a nature of its change in case of thermal influence has been determined
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The effect of higher temperature and moisture content on basic mechanical and thermal characteristics of carbon fiber and glass fiber plastic based on epoxy binder has been studied. The most sensitive response has been chosen to calculate the activation energies of the aging process and make predictions of retentive properties of polymeric composite materials.
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The experiments have been performed to assess the influence of nano-additives (astralens and thermo-expanded graphite) on the shelf life of prepregs made on basis of carbon full-strength fabric and polycyanurate mortar binder at a room and lower temperatures in an industrial refrigerator. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was chosen as a basis of the analysis. The experimental DSC curves with detailed description of a reokinetic behavior of the analyzed prepregs were obtained. The conclusions of the shelf life for the investigated nanomodified prepregs were presented according to the results of the analysis.
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