Different types of protective coatings for high-temperature niobium-based alloys are considered. A complex approach to creation of protective coatings is needed to provide the required protective properties. Further development of protective coatings and niobium-based alloys is also required.
2. Kablov E.N. Innovacionnye razrabotki FGUP «VIAM» GNC RF po realizacii «Strategicheskih napravlenij razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda» [Innovative development of VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise of GNTs Russian Federation on implementation «The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №1 (34). S. 3–33.
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11. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A. Zharostojkie i teplozashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok turbiny vysokogo davlenija perspektivnyh GTD [Heat resisting and heat-protective coverings for turbine blades of high pressure of perspective GTD] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 60–70.
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15. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Lucenko A.N. Ionno-plazmennye zashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Ion-plasma protecting covers for blades of gas turbine engines] //Metally. 2007. №5. S. 23–34.
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Materials for high-temperature sealants are reviewed in the article. High-temperature movable sealants with acceptable wear resistance, chemical resistance in aggressive envi-ronment and high elastic properties are uses for sealing of flap doors and hatches and control means of flying vehicles. Generally, butt end sealants and/or stuffing box sealants are used as movable sealants. A wide range of organic, metal, ceramic and combined ma-terials can be used as sealing materials; their choice depends on service conditions.
2. Krenkel W., Lamon J. High-Temperature Ceramic Materials and Composites /In: 7-th International Conference on High-Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites (HT-CMC 7). Bayreuth. 2010. P. 938.
3. Grashchenkov D.V., Balinova Yu.A., Tinyakova E.V. Aluminum Oxide Ceramic Fibers and Materials Based on them //Glass and Ceramics. 2012. V. 69. №3–4. P. 130–133.
4. Kablov E.N., Shhetanov B.V., Ivahnenko Ju.A., Balinova Ju.A. Perspektivnye armirujushhie vysokotemperaturnye volokna dlja metallicheskih i keramicheskih kompozicionnyh materialov [Perspective reinforcing high-temperature fibers for metal and ceramic compo-site materials] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 05 (
5. Shhetanov B.V., Balinova Ju.A., Ljuljukina G.Ju., Solov'eva E.P. Struktura i svojstva nepreryvnyh polikristallicheskih volokon α-Al2O3 [Structure and properties of continuous polycrystalline fibers α-Al2O3] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №1. S. 13–17.
6. Shhetanov B.V., Ivahnenko Ju.A., Babashov V.G. Teplozashhitnye materialy [Heat-protective materials] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 12–19.
7. Ivahnenko Ju.A., Babashov V.G., Zimichev A.M., Tinjakova E.V. Vysokotemperaturnye teploizoljacionnye i teplozashhitnye materialy na osnove tugoplavkih soedinenij [High-temperature heatinsulating and heat-protective materials on the basis of high-melting connections] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 380–386.
8. Babashov V.G., Ivahnenko Ju.A., Judin A.V., Zimichev A.M. Keramicheskij material dlja detalej ustanovok nepreryvnoj razlivki cvetnyh splavov [Ceramic material for details of installations of continuous razlivka of color alloys] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №12. St. 05 (
9. Zimichev A.M., Varrik N.M. K voprosu primenenija diskretnyh volokon iz tugoplavkih oksidov dlja formirovanija serdechnika termostojkih uplotnitel'nyh shnurov [To question of application of discrete fibers from high-melting oxides for forming of the core of heat-resistant sealing cords] //Trudy VIAM. 2015. №2. St. 07 (
10. Maksimov V.G., Basargin O.V., Shheglova T.M., Nikitina V.Ju. O projavlenii sverhplastichnosti v polidispersnoj keramike mullit–oksid cirkonija s razmerom kristallov bolee 10 mkm [About superplasticity manifestation in unequigranular ceramics mullit-zirconium oxide with size of crystals more than 10 microns] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №6. St. 04 (
11. Tonkoslojnoe keramicheskoe pokrytie, sposob ego poluchenija, poverhnost' trenija na osnove tonkoslojnogo keramicheskogo pokrytija i sposob ee poluchenija [Tonkosloynoye ce-ramic coating, way of its receiving, friction surface on the basis of tonkosloyny ceramic coating and way of its receiving]: pat. №2165484 Ros. Federacija; opubl. 20.04.2001.
12. Tonkoslojnoe keramicheskoe pokrytie, sposob ego poluchenija, poverhnost' trenija na osnove tonkoslojnogo keramicheskogo pokrytija i sposob ee poluchenija [Tonkosloynoye ceramic coating, way of its receiving, friction surface on the basis of tonkosloyny ceramic coating and way of its receiving]: pat. №2453640 Ros. Federacija; opubl. 20.10.2011.
13. Torcevoe uplotnenie vrashhajushhegosja vala [Face seal of rotating shaft]: pat. №2168086 Ros. Federacija; opubl. 27.05.2001.
14. Varrik N.M., Ivahnenko Ju.A., Maksimov V.G. Oksid-oksidnye kompozicionnye materialy dlja gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej (obzor) [Oksid-oksidnye composite materials for gas turbine engines (review)] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №8. St. 03 (
15. Zimichev A.M., Varrik N.M., Shheglova T.M., Nikitina V.Ju. Issledovanie prochnostnyh svojstv rovinga iz volokon sostava 85%Al2O3–15%SiO2 pri temperature 1000°С [Research of strength properties of roving from structure fibers 85%Al2O3–15%SiO2 at temperature 1000°С] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik s Prilozheniem «Kommentarii k standartam, TU, sertifikatam». 2015. №1. S. 30–35.
16. Butakov V.V., Basargin O.V., Babashov V.G., Ivahnenko Ju.A. Model' povedenija voloknistogo materiala pri izgibe [Model of behavior of fibrous material at bend] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №12. St. 06 (
24. Kablov E.N., Grashhenkov D.V., Isaeva N.V., Solncev S.S., Sevast'janov V.G. Vysokotemperaturnye konstrukcionnye kompozicionnye materialy na osnove stekla i keramiki dlja perspektivnyh izdelij aviacionnoj tehniki [High-temperature constructional composite materials on the basis of glass and ceramics for perspective products of aviation engineering] //Steklo i keramika. 2012. №4. S. 7–11.
25. Kablov E.N., Grashhenkov D.V., Isaeva N.V., Solncev S.S., Sevast'janov V.G. Perspektivnye vysokotemperaturnye keramicheskie kompozicionnye materialy [Perspective high-temperature ceramic composite materials] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 20–24.
Results of the research of 0.15–0.01 mm thick foil made from the technical sintered be-ryllium of high purity (Be≥99%; BeO≤0,7%; Fe≤0,1%) and its properties are presented in the article. Warm rolling of beryllium billets with protective coating was made in welded containers (covers) from stainless steel on the laboratory rolling mill without heating the rollers. Heating of billets for rolling was carried within the temperature range of high ductility of beryllium. Foils microstructures, optical and vacuum tightness, content of oxygen and iron, mechanical properties of 0,15 mm thick foil were studied. Samples of plates and disks made of beryllium foil were demonstrated.
2. Dospehi dlja «Burana». Materialy i tehnologii VIAM dlja MKS «Jenergija–Buran» [Armor for «Buran». Materials and VIAM technologies for ISS of «Energiya–Buran»] /Pod obshh. red. E.N. Kablova. M.: Fond «Nauka i zhizn'». 2013. 128 s.
3. Kablov E.N. Materialy dlja izdelija «Buran» – innovacionnye reshenija formirovanija shestogo tehnologicheskogo uklada [Materials for the product «Buran» – innovative solutions of forming of the sixth technological way] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №S1. C. 3–9.
4. Kablov E.N. Innovacionnye razrabotki FGUP «VIAM» GNC RF po realizacii «Strategicheskih napravlenij razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 go-da» [Innovative development of VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise of GNTs Russian Federation on implementation «The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №1 (34). S. 3–33.
5. Fokanov A.N., Kas'kov V.S., Podurazhnaja V.F. Pajka berillija so splavom monel' pri izgotovlenii rentgenovskih okon [The beryllium soldering with alloy monel when manu-facturing x-ray windows] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №8. St. 02 (
6. Kas'kov V.S. Berillij – konstrukcionnyj material dlja mnogorazovoj kosmicheskoj sistemy [Beryllium – constructional material for reusable space system] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №3. Ct. 03 (
7. Kas'kov V.S. Berillij i materialy na ego osnove [Beryllium and materials on its basis] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 222–226.
8. Kas'kov V.S., Zhirnov A.D. Izgotovlenie konstrukcionnyh izdelij iz berillija v VJeTC VIAM i ih primenenie v razlichnyh otrasljah nauki i tehniki [Manufacturing of constructional products from beryllium in VETTs VIAM and their application in different branches of science and technicians] /V sb.: Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. Vyp. «Berillij – konstrukcionnyj material XXI veka». M.: VIAM. 2000. S. 19–22.
9. Kas'kov V.S., Gorbunov P.Z., Fokanov A.N. Jeffektivnost' primenenija berillievoj fol'gi v uzlah rentgenovskih priborov [Efficiency of application of beryllium foil in nodes of x-ray devices] /V sb.: Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. Vyp. «Berillij – konstrukcionnyj material XXI veka». M.: VIAM. 2000. S. 51–52.
10. Fokanov A.N., Kas'kov V.S. Vysokokachestvennye izdelija iz berillija dlja rentgenovskoj tehniki i nauchnogo priborostroenija [High-quality products from beryllium for x-ray equipment and scientific instrument making] /V sb.: Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. Vyp. «Berillij – konstrukcionnyj material XXI veka». M.: VIAM. 2000. S. 110–111.
11. Wittenauer J., Nien T.G. Characterization of beryllium foil produced by hot rolling //Journal of materials science. 1992. V. 27. P. 2653–2639.
12. Papirov I.I., Nikolaenko A.A. Berillievye fol'gi dlja okon schetchikov jadernogo izluchenija [Beryllium foil for windows of counters of nuclear radiation] //VANT. 2013. №6 (88). C. 235–239.
18. Tuzov Ju.V., Markushkin Ju.E., Krasnoshhekov E.S. Berillij – sostojanie, vozmozhnosti i perspektivy primenenija v termojadernoj jenergetike [Beryllium – condition, opportunities and application perspectives in thermonuclear power] //Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tehniki. Ser. «Termojadernyj sintez». 2011. Vyp. 2. S. 21–27.
19. Fokanov A.N., Subbotko V.A. Issledovanie vlijanija jelektrojerozionnoj obrabotki na naprjazhennoe sostojanie i mehanicheskie svojstva berillija [Research of influence of electric erosion machining on tension and mechanical properties of beryllium] /V sb.: Avi-acionnye materialy i tehnologii. Vyp. «Berillij – konstrukcionnyj material XXI veka». M.: VIAM. 2000. S. 59–63.
20. Sposob poluchenija zashhitnogo pokrytija na izdelii iz berillija [Way of receiving protecting cover on product from beryllium]: pat. 2299266 Ros. Federacija; zajavl. 27.12.2005; opubl. 20.05.2007. Bjul. №14. 5 s.
21. Sposob poluchenija fol'gi iz berillija [Way of receiving foil from beryllium]: pat. 2299102 Ros. Federacija; zajavl. 27.12.2005; opubl. 20.05.2007. Bjul. №14. 7 s.
22. Solncev S.S., Rozenenkova V.A., Mironova N.A., Kas'kov V.S. Kompleksnaja sistema zashhity berillija ot okislenija [Complex system of protection of beryllium from oxidation] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №1. S. 12–16.
23. Kolbasnikov N.G., Mishin V.V., Shishov I.A., Kistankin I.S., Zabrodin A.V. Razrabotka nerazrushajushhih rezhimov teploj prokatki nanokristallicheskogo berillija s pomoshh'ju matematicheskogo modelirovanija [Development of nondestructive modes of warm rolling of nanocrystal beryllium by means of mathematical modeling] //Deformacija i razrushenie materialov. 2013. №9. S. 14–21.
Different methods of suppression of spectrum interferences and their efficiency in case of 4% (mass.) content of interference-causing elements were described. Content of Cu, Zn, Se, Ag and Cd in Nb-based alloy was determined by the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method (IСP-MS). An effect of the interference-causing alloying elements (Ti, Cr, Zr and Mo) on the results of determination was investigated. The correctness of this measurement technique was controlled by the «added–found» method. Correction of spec-tral interferences at the addition of interference-causing elements in the test solution allowed to improve the accuracy of measurements and to assess the degree of the effect of mass-spectral interferences for each element to be determined. The use of a collision-reaction cell allowed to reduce the mass-spectral interferences of elements at determination of Cu, Zn, Ag and Cd and, respectively, their detection limits by one or two orders of magnitude as compared to t
2. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Vershkov A.V. Redkie metally i redkozemel'nye jelementy – materialy sovremennyh i budushhih vysokih tehnologij [Rare metals and rare earth elements – materials of modern and future high technologies] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 01 (
3. Lomberg B.S., Ovsepjan S.V., Bakradze M.M., Mazalov I.S. Vysokotemperaturnye zharoprochnye nikelevye splavy dlja detalej gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [High-temperature heat resisting nickel alloys for details of gas turbine engines] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. C. 52–57.
4. Kablov E.N., Bondarenko Ju.A., Echin A.B., Surova V.A. Razvitie processa napravlennoj kristallizacii lopatok GTD iz zharoprochnyh splavov s monokristallicheskoj i kompozicionnoj strukturoj [Development of process of the directed crystallization of blades of GTD from hot strength alloys with single-crystal and composition structure] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №1. S. 3–8.
5. Min P.G., Sidorov V.V. Rafinirovanie othodov zharoprochnogo nikelevogo splava ZhS32-VI ot primesi kremnija v uslovijah vakuumnoj indukcionnoj plavki [Refinement of waste of heat resisting ZhS32-VI nickel alloy from silicon impurity in the conditions of vacuum induction melting] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №9. St. 01 (
6. Min P.G., Sidorov V.V. Opyt pererabotki litejnyh othodov splava ZhS32-VI na nauchnoproizvodstvennom komplekse VIAM po izgotovleniju lityh prutkovyh (shihtovyh) zagotovok [Experience of processing of foundry waste of alloy ZhS32-VI on VIAM scientific-industrial complex on manufacturing of cast bar (blend) preparations] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №4. S. 20–25.
7. Kablov E.N., Lomberg B.S., Ospennikova O.G. Sozdanie sovremennyh zharoprochnyh materialov i tehnologij ih proizvodstva dlja aviacionnogo dvigatelestroenija [Creation of modern heat resisting materials and technologies of their production for aviation engine building] //Kryl'ja Rodiny. 2012. №3–4. S. 34–38.
8. Kablov E.N., Svetlov I.L., Efimochkin I.Ju. Vysokotemperaturnye Nb–Si-kompozity [High-temperature Nb-Si-composites] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashi-nostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 164–173.
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10. Svetlov I.L., Abuzin Ju.A., Babich B.N. i dr. Vysokotemperaturnye Nb–Si-kompozity, uprochnennye silicidami niobija [The high-temperature Nb-Si-composites strengthened by silicides of niobium] //Zhurnal funkcional'nyh materialov. 2007. T. 1. №2. S. 48–52.
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13. Pupyshev A.A., Jepova E.N. Spektral'nye pomehi poliatomnyh ionov v metode mass-spektrometrii s induktivno svjazannoj plazmoj [Spectral hindrances of polynuclear ions in mass-spectrometry method with inductively connected plasma] //Analitika i kontrol'. 2001. T.5. №4. S. 335–369.
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16. Smirnova E.V., Lozhkin V.I. O vybore analiticheskih izotopov redkozemel'nyh jelementov v metode mass-spektrometrii s induktivno svjazannoj plazmoj [About choice of analytical isotopes of rare earth elements in mass-spectrometry method with inductively connected plasma] //Analitika i kontrol'. 2004. T. 8. №4. S. 329–338.
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18. Pupyshev A.A., Danilova D.A. Ispol'zovanie atomno-jemissionnoj spektrometrii s induktivno svjazannoj plazmoj dlja analiza materialov i produktov chernoj metallurgii [Use of nuclear and emission spectrometry with inductively connected plasma for the analysis of materials and products of ferrous metallurgy] //Analitika i kontrol'. 2007. T. 11. №2–3. S. 131–181.
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An influence of sizing agents and auxiliary threads on ability to weaving of threads from alumina continuous fibers on the braiding equipment is studied. Tests were carried out to define breaking loading and flexibility of threads. The experiments allowed to establish that the usage of auxiliary threads and sizing agent facilitates application of heat-resistant ceramic threads for production of flexible sealing thermal insulation.
2. Kablov E.N. Shestoj tehnologicheskij uklad [Sixth technological way] //Nauka i zhizn'. 2010. №4. S. 2–7.
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5. Varrik N.M. Termostojkie volokna i teplozvukoizoljacionnye ognezashhitnye materialy [Heat-resistant fibers and heatsound-proof fireproof materials] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №6. St. 07 (
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10. Sposob poluchenija vysokotemperaturnogo volokna na osnove oksida aljuminija [Way of receiving high-temperature fiber on the basis of aluminum oxide]: pat. №2212388 Ros. Federacija; opubl. 20.09.2003.
11. Zimichev A.M., Varrik N.M., Dalin M.A. Izmerenie modulja uprugosti volokon iz tugoplavkih oksidov [Measurement of elastic modulus of fibers from high-melting oxides] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №6. St. 05 (
12. Shheglova T.M., Zimichev A.M., Varrik N.M. Issledovanie obrazcov shnura iz volokon Fiber-frax [Research of samples of cord from Fiberfrax fibers] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №9. St. 05 (
13. Zimichev A.M., Varrik N.M. Termogravimetricheskie issledovanija nitej na osnove oksida aljuminija [Thermogravimetric researches of threads on the basis of aluminum oxide] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №6. St. 06 (
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Results of studies of the diluted self-regulating electrolyte with aluminum oxide nanopowder and chromium coatings deposited in this electrolyte are presented in comparison with properties of chromium coatings produced in a standard electrolyte. The studies have shown that the properties of chromium coatings obtained in the diluted self-regulating electrolyte with aluminum oxide nanopowder do not inferior to those of the coatings produced in a standard electrolyte and in some individual indicators are even superior to them
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The aim of this study was to conduct research on the development of methods for determination of tantalum mass fraction (within the range of 2–15% mass.) in Fe–Ni–Co–Ta alloys. In addition to the main alloying elements, the alloy may contain the following impurities: 2–3% mass. of titanium and microimpurities of chromium, aluminum and silicon. Studies on the selection of the conditions for translation of analytical sample of Fe–Ni–Co–Ta alloy into solution. For the subsequent deposition and separation of tantalum from the other alloy components, reagent tannin was selected. An effect of acidity on the completeness of the deposition of tantalum with tannin was studied. It was determined that for elimination of errors in the determination of tantalum due to co-precipitation of titanium a double re-precipitation of tantalum is required. The studies allowed to develop a method of gravimetric determination of the mass fraction of tantalum (within the range of 2–15% mass.) in Fe–Ni–Co–Ta a
2. Kablov E.N., Petrushin N.V., Svetlov I.L., Demonis I.M. Nikelevye litejnye zharoprochnye splavy novogo pokolenija [Nickel foundry hot strength alloys of new generation] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 36–52.
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The development trends of paint-and-lacquer materials, whose production and application are connected with the lowered content of volatile, toxic and flammable or-ganic sub-stances are considered. Various paint-and-lacquer materials are used for painting of a-chitectural objects, metal structures, products from polymeric composite materials. For this purpose, they have to possess good adhesion to surface, good protective and anticorrosive properties, stability to atmospheric and mechanical impacts.
2. Kondrashov Je.K., Kuznecova V.A., Semenova L.V., Lebedeva T.A., Malova N.E. Razvi-tie aviacionnyh lakokrasochnyh materialov [Development of aviation paint and varnish materials] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2012. №5. S. 49–54.
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4. Kablov E.N. Himija v aviacionnom materialovedenii [Chemistry in aviation materials sci-ence] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 3–4.
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Modifying of synthetic resins with thermoplastics efficiently increases fracture toughness of polymer composite. Structurization in thermoset-thermoplastic blends is accompanied by reaction-induced micro-phase separation with forming of characteristic phase morphology. The current state of electron microscopy researches of phase morphology of thermoset-thermoplastic blends and composite materials on their basis is considered in this work. The following methodological problems of electron microscopy research of phase morphology are considered: information provided by research method, contrasting efficiency of characteristic elements of microstructure, justification of key morphological parameters choice and methods of their measurement
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10. Kablov E.N., Kondrashov S.V., Jurkov G.Ju. Perspektivy ispol'zovanija uglerod-soderzhashhih nanochastic v svjazujushhih dlja polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov [Perspectives of use of carbon-containing nanoparticles in binding for polymeric composite materials] //Rossijskie nanotehnologii. 2013. T. 8. №3–4. S. 24–42.
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This article considers the need and possibility of creation of radio-absorbing materials based on finishing construction materials. These materials have to be effective within the ranges of the most widespread working frequencies of the cellular communication base stations. The works were conducted in the field of theoretical investigations and experimental studies of samples of the radio-absorbing structures based on finishing construction materials and in the direction of choosing of radio-absorbing fillers
2. Kablov E.N. Innovacionnye razrabotki FGUP «VIAM» GNC RF po realizacii «Strategicheskih napravlenij razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda» [Innovative development of VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise of GNTs Russian Federation on implementation «The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №1 (34). S. 3–33.
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14. Kablov E.N., Kondrashov S.V., Jurkov G.Ju. Perspektivy ispol'zovanija uglerodsoderzhashhih nanochastic v svjazujushhih dlja polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov [Perspectives of use of carbon-containing nanoparticles in binding for polymeric composite materials] //Rossijskie nanotehnologii. 2013. T. 8. №3–4. S. 24–42.
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22. Shirokov V.V., Romanov A.M. Issledovanie dijelektricheskih harakteristik steklosotoplasta volnovodnym metodom [Research of dielectric characteristics of glass-fiber-reinforced honeycomb by the waveguide method] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №4. S. 62–68.
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24. Beljaev A.A., Shirokov V.V., Romanov A.M. Issledovanie dijelektricheskih harakteristik monolitnyh stekloplastikov radiotehnicheskogo naznachenija [Research of dielectric characteristics of monolithic fibreglasses of radio engineering assignment] //Kompozitnyj mir. 2014 (v pechati).
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Definition of fire safety characteristics of polymer composition materials (PCM) for manufacturing of components of external components of aviation equipment (fuselage, wing, stabilizers, etc.) was carried out under conditions of variable intensity of the heat flow. Samples of glass- and carbon-reinforced polymers were chosen as test subjects. The tests were carried out in CSI-195FAA camera (Custom Scientific Instruments, USA) with the heat radiation panel. The following characteristics of fire safety were defined during the tests: duration of the residual burning, burn-out length, critical heat flow of flame damping, etc. Assessment of fire safety of glass- and carbon-reinforced polymers by the oxygen index method was additionally carried out.
2. Kablov E.N. Innovacionnye razrabotki FGUP «VIAM» GNC RF po realizacii «Strategicheskih napravlenij razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda» [Innovative development of VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise of GNTs Russian Federation on implementation «The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №1 (34). S. 3–33.
3. Kablov E.N. Materialy i himicheskie tehnologii dlja aviacionnoj tehniki [Materials and chemical technologies for aviation engineering] //Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2012. T. 82. №6. S. 520–530.
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10. Barbot'ko S.L., Shurkova E.N. O pozharnoj bezopasnosti materialov, ispol'zuemyh dlja izgotovlenija vneshnego kontura samoletov [About fire safety of the materials used for manufacturing of external circuit of airplanes] //Pozharovzryvobezopasnost'. 2011. T. 20. №10. S. 19–24.
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12. Barbot'ko S.L., Shvec N.I., Zastrogina O.B., Izotova T.F. Issledovanie vlijanija tolshhiny stekloplastikov na harakteristiki teplovydelenija pri gorenii [Research of influence of thickness of fibreglasses on heat release characteristics when burning] //Pozharovzryvobezopasnost'. 2013. T. 22. №7. S. 30–36.
13. Barbot'ko S.L., Shurkova E.N., Vol'nyj O.S., Skryljov N.S. Ocenka pozharnoj bezopasnosti polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov dlja vneshnego kontura aviacionnoj tehniki [Assessment of fire safety of polymeric composite materials for external circuit of aviation engineering] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №1. S. 56–59.
14. Kirienko O.A., Shurkova E.N., Vol'nyj O.S., Barbot'ko S.L. Issledovanie vlijanija razlichnyh zashhitnyh pokrytij na harakteristiki pozharnoj bezopasnosti teplovoj akusticheskoj izoljacii fjuzeljazha [Research of influence of different protecting covers on characteristics of fire safety of thermal acoustic insulation of fuselage] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №10. St. 07 (
15. Skryljov N.S., Vol'nyj O.S., Postnov V.I., Barbot'ko S.L. Issledovanie vlijanija teplovyh faktorov klimata na izmenenie harakteristik pozharobezopasnosti polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov [Research of influence of thermal factors of climate on change of characteristics of fire safety of polymeric composite materials] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №9. St. 05 (
16. Barbot'ko S.L., Vol'nyj O.S., Kirienko O.A., Lucenko A.N., Shurkova E.N. Sopostavlenie metodov ocenki pozharnoj opasnosti polimernyh materialov v razlichnyh otrasljah transporta i promyshlennosti [Comparison of methods of assessment of fire danger of polymeric materials in the different industries of transport and the industry] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2015. №1. S. 2–9.
Measurements of parameters of an acoustic signal excited by own mechanical oscil-lations of a ring made from fiber-reinforced plastics under mechanical impact were carried out; then the annular stiffness of ring was calculated. The method is based on excitation of acoustic signal oscillations, which depend on strength characteristics of the PCM ring.
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