Archive - Электронный научный журнал "ТРУДЫ ВИАМ"



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1. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-1-1
УДК 669.715:621.7
Ryabov D.K., Kolobnev N.I., Lukinа E.A., Zaysev D.V.
Behavior of 1913 alloy sheets during rolling and heat treatment

Development and application of aluminum alloys of new generation is an important task because of the active development of aerospace engineering. Weldable aluminum alloys are promising structural materials due to good complex of service characteristics and processability. The addition of rare earth elements to aluminium alloys allows significant improving the mechanical properties and at the same time the structure of deformed semi-finished products could be greatly changed. Taking into account the peculiarities of metallurgical production it is necessary to understand the impact of various parameters on the characteristics of semi-finished products. The results of studies of 1913 alloy bearing scandium in the process of rolling and heat treatment are shown. Research is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 8.1. «High strength weldable aluminium and low density Al–Li alloys with high fracture toughness» («Strategic directions of development of materials an

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2. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-2-2
УДК 621.791
Pentuykhin S.I., Popov D.A., Ogorodov D.V., Trapeznikov A.V.
An overview of production methods of master alloy Al–Sr

This article reviews and analyzes raw materials and production methods of aluminum strontium master alloy, such as the alloying of pure components, metallothermic recovery of strontium from its compounds, electrolytic recovery. Aluminum–strontium master alloy is intended for modifying the microstructure of hypoeutectic and eutectic cast aluminium alloys. To date, the most promising technique of inoculation is the introduction of strontium in the form of double or triple addition alloy. This alloy changes the leaf-shaped aluminum-silicon eutectic for grainy one, which significantly improves the mechanical properties of the casting. Research is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 8.4. «High-strength corrosion-resistant weldable magnesium and cast aluminum alloys for products of aerospace engineering of new generation» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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3. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-3-3
УДК 669.018.44
Kuzmina N.A., Bondarenko Yu.A.
The phase composition and structure of the niobium-silicon composite manufactured by directional solidification in the liquid metal cooler

The research of high-temperature heat-resistant alloy based on niobium-silicon system – Nb–Nb5Si3, obtained in the process of high-gradient directional solidification with a flat growth front without the use of seed has been carried out. The data of metallography and X-ray powder diffraction have been obtained, phase, structural and quantitative analysis has been carried out, crystallographic orientation of the matrix and reinforcing phases of eutectic composite has been determined. The comparative description of structural parameters of the phases at different stages of solidification along the height of the ingot from the beginning of solidification to the residual melt has been provided. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 9.4. «Composites on the basis of the refractory metals, strengthened by intermetallic compound» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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4. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-4-4
УДК 669.187.2
Krylov S.А., Evgenov A.G., Shcherbakov A.I., Makarov А.А.
New pressure electroslag remelting furnace PESR-0,1: development and prospects for improvement

Pressure metallurgy (MD) is actively developed in the world, the effect of higher pressure on the process of alloying, melting, crystallization of ingot is studied. A positive economic effect of MD technologies is noted. MD technologies open possibilities of creating new materials and alloying elements, the use of which in conventional metallurgical processes is impossible. FSUE «VIAM» for the first time in the history of our country produced and put into operation a new pressure electroslag furnace PESR-0,1 of semiindustrial type. The paper presents design data of the furnace, the basic ways of its practical use and materials received with its use. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 8.2. «High-strength structural and corrosion-resistant welded steels with high fracture toughness» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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5. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-5-5
УДК 678.84
Ivakhnenko Yu.A., Varrik N.M., Maximov V.G.
The high-temperature radiolucent ceramic composite materials for the radomes and other products of aviation engineering (review)

The recent developed high-temperature materials for protection against external influences of the radio engineering systems placed on aircraft and land radar installations are considered. Tendencies of development of radiotransparent materials are shown, scientific sources of information about existing radiotransparent radomes based on polymeric, quartz, glass-ceramic and ceramic materials are reviewed, the conclusion is drawn on prospects of development of new composite materials based on high-temperature ceramic matrixes. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 14.2. «New technologies of receiving superhigh-temperature ceramic and metal composite materials» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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6. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-6-6
УДК 678.8
Daskovskiy M.I., Doriomedov M.S., Skripachyov S.Yu.
Underlying factors preventing the introduction of polymer composite materials in Russia (review)

The article provides information on the basic factors influencing the widespread implementation and use of composite materials (composites), structures and products from them in various industries in Russia. Since production of composites in Russia is at the initial stage of development, the identification and resolution of problems of implementation of composite materials is an important task. In order to increase the efficiency of production of composite materials and the simultaneous growth of domestic demand for them it is needed to systematize impeding factors and develop preventive measures to address them. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 13.2. «Structural PСM» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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7. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-7-7
УДК 667.621
Istyagin S.E., Veshkin E.A, Postnov V.I., Kogan D.I.
Role of technology factors in formation of stability of properties of the film binder

Application of composite materials becomes more and more wide that causes growth of volume of their manufacture. From manufacturing methods of PCM existing for today, out-of-autoclave techniques are most efficient as they allow excluding use of expensive equipment and providing demanded level of properties. In connection with growth of volumes of application of out-of-autoclave techniques, creation of high-quality semi-products for some their varieties becomes a topical problem. This article describes methods of manufacture of film binder processed by RFI. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 13.2 «structurall PCM» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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8. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-8-8
УДК 678.8
Kondrashov S.V., Shashkeev K.A., Popkov O.V., Solovyanchik L.V.
Mechanical properties of CNT nanocomposites (review)

A review of publications on polymer CNT nanocomposites mechanical properties is presented. A model of the polymer-CNT system using the Mori–Tanaka method is described. Mechanical properties of CNT- nanocomposites are shown to be mainly defined by the CNT distribution within the polymer matrix, not the intrinsic properties of nanotubes. CNT-containing systems based on polyamide and polycarbonate are thoroughly reviewed. Data on the effect of impurities size on mechanical properties of nanocomposites prepared by melt blending are provided. Data on the effect of CNTs on epoxy binders are provided. Nanotubes are shown to affect the degree of conversion during epoxy composite curing, nanocomposite glass point and matrix structure at the boundary layer near CNTs. Effect of functionalized and non-functionalized CNTs on mechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites is considered. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 15 « Nanostructured, amorphous mat

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9. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-9-9
УДК 678.026
Kravchenko N.G., Petrova V.A., Mikov D.A.
Hydrophobic structures for additional protection of carbon steel in fuel systems of aviation engineering

In this work functional polymer coatings which can be used as hydrophobic processing for increase of protective properties of carbon steel working in fuels at influence of condensate are investigated. Data on resistance of functional polymer coatings on carbon steels in the salt spray chamber (SSC) and aviation fuel TS-1 are obtained. Method of measurement of interfacial angle (IFA) by water was used as an express method of estimation of hydrophobic behavior of the surface. The most effective hydrophobic agents for receiving polymer coatings are functional fluorinated oligomers. On the basis of the researches structures of functional polymer coatings which can be used in fuel systems of aircraft for additional protection of carbon steel have been chosen. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 2.2. «Qualification and researches of materials» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period

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10. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-10-10
УДК 620.1:669.715
Chesnokov D.V., Antipov V.V., Kulyushina N.V.
The method of accelerated laboratory tests of aluminum alloys for determination of their corrosion resistance in conditions of the sea atmosphere

The method of laboratory tests of aluminum alloys for determination of corrosion resistance depending on duration of moistening, temperature and deposition rate of chlorides is offered. When developing test method mathematical planning of experiment was used. As a result of research of mathematical models, dependences of corrosion losses on duration of moistening and sedimentation of chlorides are received at different values of temperature. The received results give preliminary rough estimate of corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys at operation in conditions of the sea atmosphere. In article results of works on the complex scientific direction 18.3. «Мodeling and forecasting of climatic resistance» are provided («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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11. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-11-11
УДК 678.747.2
Nikolaev E.V., Barbotko S.L., Andreeva N.P., Pavlov M.R., Grachshencov D.V.
Comprehensive research of the influence of climatic and operational factors on new generation epoxy binding and polymeric composite materials on its basis. Part 3. Calculation of activation energy and thermal resource of polymeric composite materials on the basis of epoxy matrix

Stability of strength characteristics of polymeric composite materials ( carbon fiber and fibreglass based on epoxy binder)in the process of thermal aging has been evaluated. Calculation of energy of activation during the process of thermal aging for polymeric composite materials has been carried out. An influence of freeze-traw cycles on mechanical characteristics of materials is shown. The level of stability of strength characteristics for long-term operation has been determined. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 18.3. «Modeling and forecasting of climatic resistance» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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12. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-5-12-12
УДК 681.5:629.331
Dyshenko V.S., Raskutin A.E., Zuev M.A.
The road detector in systems of Weigh-In-Motion

In article the substantiation of the use of monitoring systems of traffic and advantages of systems of weigh-in-motion are presented, factors reducing accuracy of measurements and ways of their elimination are considered. Physical aspects of the use of optical fiber Bragg lattice in road detectors are considered and functional requirements to road detectors are defined. One possible solution of the problem of determining the speed of vehicles using a pair of parallel optical fibers is described. Requirements for road detectors case taking into account strength characteristics and operating conditions on highways have been defined. The research are executed within realization of the complex scientific problem 4.1. «Smart PCM of the 2-nd and 3-rd generation» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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