The structure and mechanical properties of forgings from heat-resistant near-α-titanium alloy VТ41 with different iron content are examined in this paper. It has been established that the increase in the iron content leads to the increase in strength proper-ties of the material in the working temperature range and some decrease in characteris-tics of ductility and toughness. Increasing the iron content is accompanied with increased sensitivity to stress concentrators under different types of tests.
2. Kashapov O.S., Pavlova T.V., Nochovnaja N.A. Vlijanie rezhimov termicheskoj obrabotki na strukturu i svojstva zharoprochnogo titanovogo splava dlja lopatok KVD [Influence of modes of thermal processing on structure and property of heat resisting titanium alloy for KVD blades] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №2. S. 8–14.
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14. Kablov E.N. Innovacionnye razrabotki FGUP «VIAM» GNC RF po realizacii «Strategicheskih napravlenij razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda» [Innovative development of VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise of GNTs Russian Federation on implementation «The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period to 2030»] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №1 (34). S. 3–33.
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16. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Vershkov A.V. Redkie metally i redkozemel'nye jelementy – materialy sovremennyh i budushhih vysokih tehnologij [Rare metals and rare earth elements – materials of modern and future high technologies] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 01 (
17. Kablov E.N. Materialy dlja izdelija «Buran» – innovacionnye reshenija formirovanija shestogo tehnologicheskogo uklada [Materials for the product «Buran» – innovative solutions of forming of the sixth technological way] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №S1. S. 3–9.
18. Pavlova T.V., Kashapov O.S., Nochovnaja N.A., Beljaev M.S. Sovremennye titanovye splavy i tehnologii, primenjaemye dlja detalej i uzlov GTD [Modern titanium alloys and the technologies applied to details and GTD nodes] /V sb. tezisov dokladov nauch.-tehnich. kongressa po dvigatelestroeniju «Dvigateli–2012». M.: ASSAD. 2012. S. 347–349.
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Titanium alloys are widely applied in products of aviation engineering operating during long term in all climates including sea climate conditions, where deposition of sea salt on their surface can cause hot salt corrosion at elevated temperatures (≥250°C) accompanied with titanium surface embrittlement. Taking into account the potential danger of hot salt corrosion for high-loaded parts from titanium alloys operating in sea climate conditions at temperatures ≥250°C, the opportunity of identifying of coatings able to protect such parts from the influence of salt deposits seems to be of interest. This paper shows the possibility of protection of the surface of titanium alloys by anodic oxide coating of 10–15 μm in thickness against the impact of NaCl deposits (the main component of sea salt) at temperatures under 500°C, tensile stress and alternating loads.
2. Kablov E.N. Sovremennye materialy – osnova innovacionnoj modernizacii Rossii [Modern materials – basis of innovative modernization of Russia] //Metally Evrazii. 2012. №3. S. 10–15.
3. Kablov E.N. Materialy dlja izdelija «Buran» – innovacionnye reshenija formirovanija shestogo tehnologicheskogo uklada [Materials for the product «Buran» – innovative solutions of forming of the sixth technological way] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №S1. S. 3–9.
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5. Kashapov O.S., Novak A.V., Nochovnaja N.A., Pavlova T.V. Sostojanie, problemy i perspektivy sozdanija zharoprochnyh titanovyh splavov dlja detalej GTD [Condition, problems and perspectives of creation of heat resisting titanium alloys for GTD details] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №3. St. 02 (
6. Horev A.I. Fundamental'nye i prikladnye raboty po konstrukcionnym titanovym splavam i perspektivnye napravlenija ih razvitija [Fundamental and applied works on structural titanium alloys and perspective directions of their development] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 04 (
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15. Yingun Hua, Yuchuan Bai, Yunxia Ye, Qing Xue, Haixie Liu, Ruifang Chen, Kangmin Chen. Hot corrosion behavior of TC11 titanium alloy treated by laser shock processing //Applied Surface Science. 2013. V. 283. №15. P. 775–780.
16. Zaharova L.V. Vlijanie kisloroda vozduha i tolshhiny solevyh otlozhenij na korrozionnoe rastreskivanie titanovyh splavov pri vysokih temperaturah v kontakte s NaCl [Influence of oxygen of air and thickness of salt deposits on corrosion cracking of titanium alloys at high temperatures in contact with NaCl] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №10. St. 12 (
The possibility of photometric determination of rhenium content in alloys based on titanium reagent thiourea is hereby investigated. The developed method is based on a translation of the sample in a solution mixture of hydrofluoric and nitric acids. The molybdenum which prevents the reaction of formation of colored rhenium complex with thiourea binds to calcium oxide. The rhenium content is determined by the calibration curve. The developed method does not require the use of toxic reagents, is more selective and accurate in comparison with previously existing methods. Analysis time is reduced by 2–3 times to 60 minutes. As a result of this work a photometric method for the determination of rhenium from 0,05 to 1% by weight with thiourea in complexly titanium alloys is developed. The error in determining the rhenium content is 5% (rel.).
2. Kashapov O.S., Novak A.V., Nochovnaja N.A., Pavlova T.V. Sostojanie, problemy i perspektivy sozdanija zharoprochnyh titanovyh splavov dlja detalej GTD [Condition, problems and perspectives of creation of heat resisting titanium alloys for GTD details] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №3. St. 02 (
3. Nochovnaja N.A., Panin P.V., Kochetkov A.S., Bokov K.A. Sovremennye zharoprochnye splavy na osnove gamma-aljuminida titana: perspektivy razrabotki i primenenija [Modern hot strength alloys on the basis of titanium gamma aluminide: development and application perspectives] //MiTOM. 2014. №7. S. 23–27.
4. Kablov D.E., Panin P.V., Shirjaev A.A., Nochovnaja N.A. Opyt ispol'zovanija vakuumno-dugovoj pechi ALD VAR L200 dlja vyplavki slitkov zharoprochnyh splavov na osnove aljuminidov titana [Experience of use of the ALD VAR L200 vacuum arc furnace for smelting of ingots of hot strength alloys on the basis of titanium aluminides] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2014. №2. S. 27–33.
5. Nochovnaja N.A., Panin P.V. Analiz ostatochnyh makronaprjazhenij v svarnyh soedinenijah titanovyh splavov raznyh klassov [The analysis of residual macrotension in welded compounds of titanium alloys of different classes] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №5. St. 02 (
6. Panin P.V., Shirjaev A.A., Dzunovich D.A. Postroenie temperaturno-koncentracionnoj diagrammy fazovogo sostava titanovogo splava VT6, dopolnitel'no legirovannogo vodorodom [Creation of the temperature and concentration chart of phase composition of the BT6 titanium alloy which has been in addition alloyed by hydrogen] //Tehnologija mashinostroenija. 2014. №3. S. 5–9.
7. Il'in A.A., Skvorcova S.V., Dzunovich D.A., Panin P.V., Shalin A.V. Vlijanie parametrov termicheskoj i termomehanicheskoj obrabotki na teksturoobrazovanie v listovyh polufabrikatah iz titanovyh splavov [Influence of parameters of thermal and thermomechanical processing on teksturoobrazovaniye in sheet semi-finished products from titanium alloys] //Tehnologija mashinostroenija. 2012. №8. S. 8–12.
8. Kovtunov A.I., Mjamin S.V. Issledovanie tehnologicheskih i mehanicheskih svojstv sloistyh titanoaljuminievyh kompozicionnyh materialov, poluchennyh zhidkofaznym sposobom [Research of technological and mechanical properties of the layered titanoalyuminiyevy composite materials received in the liquid-phase way] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №1. S. 9–12.
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10. Rhenium reduction program: using less of a rare mineral /
11. Kablov E.N. Innovacionnye razrabotki FGUP «VIAM» GNC RF po realizacii «Strategicheskih napravlenij razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda» [Innovative development of VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise of GNTs Russian Federation on implementation «The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №1 (34). S. 3–33.
12. Kablov E.N. Sovremennye materialy – osnova innovacionnoj modernizacii Rossii [Modern materials – basis of innovative modernization of Russia] //Metally Evrazii. 2012. №3. S. 10–15.
13. Kablov E.N. K 80-letiju VIAMa [To 80 anniversary VIAMA] //Zavodskaja laboratorija. Diagnostika materialov. 2012. T. 78. №5. S. 79–82.
14. Antashev V.G., Nochovnaja N.A., Shirjaev A.A., Izotova A.Ju. Perspektivy razrabotki novyh titanovyh splavov [Perspectives of development of new titanium alloys] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №S2. S. 60–67.
15. Nochovnaja N.A., Ivanov V.I., Alekseev E.B., Kochetkov A.S. Puti optimizacii jekspluatacionnyh svojstv splavov na osnove intermetallidov titana [Ways of optimization of operational properties of alloys on the basis of titanium intermetallic compound] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 196–206.
16. Nochovnaja N.A., Alekseev E.B., Jasinskij K.K., Kochetkov A.S. Specifika plavki i sposoby poluchenija slitkov intermetallidnyh titanovyh splavov s povyshennym soderzhaniem niobija [Specifics of melting and ways of receiving ingots of intermetallidny titanium alloys with the raised content of niobium] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №S2. C. 53–59.
17. Nochovnaja N.A., Skvorcova S.V., Anishhuk D.S., Alekseev E.B., Panin P.V., Umarova O.Z. Otrabotka tehnologii opytnogo zharoprochnogo splava na osnove intermetallida Ti2AlNb [Working off of technology of pilot hot strength alloy on the basis of Ti2AlNb intermetallic compound] //Titan. 2013. №4. S. 24–29.
18. Nochovnaja N.A., Antashev V.G., Shirjaev A.A., Alekseev E.B. Issledovanie vlijanija rezhimov izotermicheskogo deformirovanija i termicheskoj obrabotki na strukturu i mehanicheskie svojstva opytnogo zharoprochnogo Ti-splava [Research of influence of modes of isothermal deformation and thermal processing on structure and mechanical properties of pilot heat resisting Ti-alloy] //Tehnologija legkih splavov. 2012. №4. S. 92–98.
19. Kablov E.N. Materialy dlja izdelija «Buran» – innovacionnye reshenija formirovanija shestogo tehnologicheskogo uklada [Materials for the product «Buran» – innovative solutions of forming of the sixth technological way] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №S1. S. 3–9.
Prospects for application of titanium alloys for creation of new class of laminated metal-polymers are shown. Comparison of properties of composite materials based on titanium with composite materials based on aluminum and glass plastic is given. The results of research in the field of hybrid materials allow speaking about the effectiveness of use of laminated metal-polymers in modern structures. Special attention is focused on high specific properties of hybrid materials based on titanium alloys. Such laminated composite materials combine high strength and fracture toughness.
2. Kablov E.N. Materialy i himicheskie tehnologii dlja aviacionnoj tehniki [Materials and chemical technologies for aviation engineering] //Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2012. T. 82. №6. S. 520–530.
3. Kablov E.N., Karimova S.A., Semenova L.V. Korrozionnaja aktivnost' ugleplastikov i zashhita metallicheskih silovyh konstrukcij v kontakte s ugleplastikom [Corrosion activity ugleplastikov and protection of metal load bearing structures in contact with the ugleplastiky] //Korrozija: materialy, zashhita. 2011. №12. S. 1–7.
4. Tarasov Ju.M., Antipov V.V. Novye materialy VIAM – dlja perspektivnoj aviacion-noj tehniki proizvodstva OAO «OAK» [The VIAM new materials – for perspective aviation engineering of production of JSC OAK] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №2. S. 5–6.
5. Kablov E.N., Antipov V.V., Senatorova O.G. Sloistye aljumostekloplastiki SIAL-1441 i sotrudnichestvo s Airbus i TU DELFT [Layered alyumostekloplastiki SIAL-1441 and cooperation with Airbus and TU DELFT] //Cvetnye metally. 2013. №9 (849). S. 50–53.
6. Antipov V.V., Senatorova O.G., Lukina N.F., Sidel'nikov V.V., Shestov V.V. Sloistye metallopo-limernye kompozicionnye materialy [Layered metalpolymeric composite materials] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 226–230.
7. Nochovnaja N.A., Panin P.V., Alekseev E.B., Bokov K.A. Jekonomnolegirovannye titanovye splavy dlja sloistyh metallopolimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov [Ekonomnolegirovannye titanium alloys for layered metalpolymeric composite materials] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №11. St. 02 (
8. Sokolov I.I., Raskutin A.E. Ugleplastiki i stekloplastiki novogo pokolenija [Ugleplastiki and fibreglasses of new generation] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №4. St. 09 (
9. Lukina N.F., Dement'eva L.A., Anihovskaja L.I. Kleevye prepregi dlja sloistyh aljumostekloplas-tikov klassa SIAL [Glue prepregs for layered alyumostekloplastikov class SIAL] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №1. St. 05 (
10. Kablov E.N., Antipov V.V., Senatorova O.G., Lukina N.F. Novyj klass sloistyh aljumostekloplastikov na osnove aljuminijlitievogo splava 1441 s ponizhennoj plotnost'ju [New class layered alyumostekloplastikov on the basis of alyuminiylitiyevy alloy 1441 with lowered density] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 174–183.
11. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Vershkov A.V. Redkie metally i redkozemel'nye jelementy – materialy sovremennyh i budushhih vysokih tehnologij [Rare metals and rare earth elements – materials of modern and future high technologies] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 01 (
12. Petrova A.P., Lukina N.F. Klei dlja mnogorazovoj kosmicheskoj sistemy [Glues for reusable space system] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №4. St. 05 (
13. Dement'eva L.A., Serezhenkov A.A., Lukina N.F., Kucevich K.E. Kleevye prepregi i sloistye materialy na ih osnove [Glue prepregs and layered materials on their basis] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №2. S. 19–21.
14. Postnov V.I., Senatorova O.G., Karimova S.A., Pavlovskaja T.G., Zhelezina G.F., Kazakov I.A., Abramov P.A., Postnova M.V., Kotov O.E. Osobennosti formovanija krupnogabaritnyh listov metallopolimernyh KM, ih struktura i svojstva [Features of formation of large-size sheets of metalpolymeric KM, their structure and properties] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2009. №4. S. 23–32.
15. Senatorova O.G, Antipov V.V., Lukina N.F., Sidel'nikov V.V., Shestov V.V., Mit-rakov O.V., Popov V.I., Ershov A.S. Vysokoprochnye treshhinostojkie legkie sloistye aljumostekloplastiki klassa SIAL – perspektivnyj material dlja aviacionnyh konstrukcij [High-strength treshchinostoyky lungs layered alyumostekloplastiki class SIAL – perspective material for aviation designs] //Tehnologija legkih splavov. 2009. №2. S. 28–31.
16. Fridljander I.N., Senatorova O.G., Lukina N.F., Antipov V.V. Sloistye aljumo-polimernye materialy SIAL [SIAL layered alyumo-polymeric materials] /V kn.: 75 let. Aviacionnye materialy. Izbrannye trudy «VIAM» 1932–2007: Jubilejnyj nauch.-tehnich. sb. M.: VIAM. 2007. S. 188–192.
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21. Il'in A.A., Kolachev B.A., Pol'kin I.S. Titanovye splavy. Sostav, struktura, svojstva [Titanium alloys. Structure, structure, properties]: Spravochnik. M.: VILS–MATI. 2009. 520 s.
The phase composition of the diffusion layer of high-strength heat-resistant precipitation-hardening steel VKS10-U-Sh, microalloyed with rare-earth metals (REM) after a comprehensive chemical and heat treatment, comprising the steps of vacuum carburizing, strengthening heat treatment (tempering, quenching, maraging and ion-plasma nitriding) has been investigated. The methods of physical-chemical phase analysis (PCPA), electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been used. The data obtained by different methods have allowed finding out which alloying elements form the phase composition of steel and which carbides and nitrides give it the necessary properties.
2. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Vershkov A.V. Redkie metally i redkozemel'nye jele-menty – materialy sovremennyh i budushhih vysokih tehnologij [Rare metals and rare earth elements – materials of modern and future high technologies] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 01 (
3. Gerasimov S.A., Kuksenova L.I., Lapteva V.G. Struktura i iznosostojkost' azotirovannyh stalej i splavov [Structure and wear resistance nitrated staly and alloys]. M.: MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. 2012. 518 s.
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5. Voznesenskaja N.M., Kablov E.N., Petrakov A.F., Shal'kevich A.B. Vysokoprochnye kor-rozionnostojkie stali austenitno-martensitnogo klassa [High-strength corrosion-resistant steel of the austenitno-martensitic class] //MiTOM. 2002. №7. S. 34–37.
6. Mubojadzhjan S.A., Lucenko A.N., Aleksandrov D.A., Gorlov D.S. Issledovanie vozmozhnosti povyshenija sluzhebnyh harakteristik lopatok kompressora GTD metodom ionnogo modificirovanija poverhnosti [Research of possibility of increase of office characteristics of compressor blades of GTD by method of ionic modifying of surface] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №1. St. 02 (
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This article presents the research of microstructure of magnesium-zirconium and ML10 alloys. It is hard to alloy magnesium with elements for which the fusing temperature is higher than that of magnesium’s. The impurity doping of magnesium alloy with zirconium is processed through the magnesium-zirconium alloy, for which the fusing temperature is lower than the fusing temperature for zirconium. The impurity doping of light materials with zirconium is problematic not only because of the high fusing temperature of zirconium, but also because of its active liaison with other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, aluminum, ferrum, silicon, carbon and other elements. The quality of alloy has been examined and the reasons of lower drawing of zirconium in the process of making ML10 magnesium alloy had been defined: it is linked with the fact that there are non-soluble intermetallides in the alloy such as zirconium and hafnium with silicon, ferrum and aluminum, and zirconium with oxygen
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This article describes and analyzes raw materials and production methods of aluminum-boron ligatures such as: direct alloying aluminum with pure boron or borides; aluminothermic reduction of boron compounds, oxygen-containing and oxygen-free; receiving ladle clean boride followed by dissolving them in aluminum (SHS, electroplated carbothermic reduction, etc.).
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Data from scientific publications regarding methods of production of zirconia fiber are provided in the article. Zirconia fiber has good prospects for use as high-temperature thermal insulation due to the highest refractoriness among oxide ceramics, high durability and chemical resistance, especially alkalin. Now there are various techniques for producing zirconia fiber, each of them has both merits and demerits. The review includes the description of the main methods according to the data available in information sources.
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A brief description of the manufacturing process of rubber compounds based on silicone rubber SKTV-1 and vulcanizates samples of the rubber compounds for research is provided. The description of the conducted researches of physic-mechanical properties and flammability of vulcanizates of rubber compounds on the basis of the silicone SKTV-1 rubber containing different quantity of flame retardants is given. By results of research vulcanizates properties the choice of flame retardants was made for receiving fire-resistant rubber on the basis of silicone rubber of the SKTV-1. Results of experimental research of samples of vulcanizates on the basis of the new organic silicon block copolymer possessing increased heat resistance are given.
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The research of mechanical loss factor (tgδ) of vibration damping materials of different composition: extensional damping material, materials with metallic and composite constraining layers and ones with different thickness and chemical nature adhesive layers is hereby provided. It has been shown that chemical nature and thickness of adhesive layer alters its damping properties and existence of constraining layer leads to increasing of mechanical loss factor.
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The article is devoted to the actual problem of development and implementation in the aviation enterprises the complex of alternative to existing and complementing them methods and means of nondestructive express-control of properties of polymeric composite materials (PCM) in the manufacture of prepregs, structures and components of the FRP at key stages of their production to improve their reliability and increase lifetime. It is paid much attention to the problem of modern automation technology and laboratory express-control of properties of the PCM. Automation of control process at all stages will allow to manage timely the process parameters as during the semi-finished products manufacture, so at the stage of forming structures of the PCM. Control procedures of the dynamic properties of PCM at key stages throughout the production chain of manufacturing structures of the PCM are summarized. The basic principles for the development of controls are given. The theoretical foundations o
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Procedure of copper quantitative analysis in the fuel after its corrosion attack against structural materials has been developed to improve the methods of aviation fuel quality assessment. Preparation of fuel for the analysis is carried out by mineralization process. The fuel sample is dissolved in concentrated nitric acid in the presence of hydrogen peroxide until the water-fuel phase boundary is disappeared. Copper concentration is measured by atomic absorption spectrometry with the use of acetylene-air flame on the absorption of copper resonance analytical line (324.8 nm). On the basis of the developed procedure VIAM standard STO 1-595-7-461–2015 «Quantitative analysis of copper in the fuel» was published.
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