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The welded joints heat-resistant aluminum alloys V-1213 and 1151 were researched. The welded joints were performed according to the tested modes on the Laser Weld 8R60 laser welding complex. The properties joints, provided within ones and twice welding were given. The strength level of welded fuselage elements with an intermittent asymmetrical seam; with an intermittent symmetrical seam, with a continuous seam is investigated. The tests results of welded stringer panels with the bearing capacity determination during shear are presented.
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In the present work, the thermophysical and physicomechanical characteristics of a molten epoxy resin system VSE-62, developed in SIC «Kurchatov Institute» – VIAM, are considered. The value of the glass transition temperature of the system, the kinetic parameters of the curing process with a different speed of the heating, the plot of the gelation time and flexural strength are given. The results of rheological tests in isothermal and dynamical modes are shown. The low viscosity of the system and long-term viability at high temperatures allows it to be used for the manufacture of various polymer composite materials by resin transfer moulding and vacuum assisted resin transfer moulding.
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Optimality of choice of an antiadhesive for a specific molding surface when molding products from polymer composite materials (PCM) is determined by many factors: absence of scratching of coating from the surface of tooling and of transfer of release agent to molded blank, ease of removal and defectlessness of the product from PCM. Offers an additional factor for evaluating the optimality of selecting an antiadhesive for polymer tooling: determination of free surface energy (FSE), which gives a characteristic of tooling surface wettability. In the framework of this work the FSEs of five different antiadhesion compositions were investigated.
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5. Kablov E.N., Grashchenkov D.V., Isaeva N.V., Solntsev S.S., Sevastyanov V.G. High-Temperature Structural Composite Materials Based on Glass and Ceramics for Advanced Aircraft Products. Steklo i keramika, 2012, no. 4, pp. 7–11.
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7. Tkachuk A.I., Terekhov I.V., Gurevich Ya.M., Kudryavtseva A.N. Application of bismaleimide VST-57 binder for obtaining heat-resistant dimensionally stable molds from polymer composite materials. Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii, 2020, no. 2 (59), pp. 32–40. DOI: 10.18577/2071-9140-2020-0-2-32-40.
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Superhydrophobic polymer coatings arouse considerable interest in their industrial application, and the development of nanotechnology has simplified the development and production of nanotextured superhydrophobic coatings. Currently, the presence of functional particles/nanoparticles in its composition is a prerequisite for obtaining most superhydrophobic coatings, and the main problem of such coatings is low stability, which affects their practical application. The review is devoted to the analysis of the latest trends in the use of micro- and nanoparticles for the formation of superhydrophobic coatings, modification of particles and methods of their introduction into the coating.
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Heat-resistant alloys and steels
Petrushin N.V., Rimsha E.G., Lutskaya S.A., Dmitriev N.S. Design of corrosion-resistant nickel-based superalloy VZHM9 for single crystal gas turbine blades
Kuzmina N.A. Development of x-ray diffraction analysis in VIAM. On the 130th anniversary of the birth of E.F. Bakhmetev, the first head of the х-ray laboratory of the institute
Light-metal alloys
Antipov V.V., Panteleev M.D., Sviridov A.V., Skupov A.A., Odintsov N.S. Heat-resistant aluminum alloys 1151 and B-1213 welded fuselage panels fabrication and testing
Polymer materials
Kuznetcova P.A., Tkachuk A.I., Lyubimova A.S., Eldjaeva G.B. Characteristics of the molten epoxy resin system VSE-62, processed by the injection methods, for the manufacture of highly loaded structural polymer composite materials
Lukina N.F., Isaev A.Yu., Starodubtseva О.А., BalabanovаО.S. Approaches to creation of conducting glue from the lowered curing temperature
Composite materials
Karavaev R.Yu., Gorodilova N.A., Donetskiy K.I. Production of polymer composite materials based on semipregs
Antipov V.V., Stepanova E.V., Babashov V.G.,Ivakhnenko Yu.A., Butakov V.V. Influence of reinforcement with oxide refractory fibers on the flexibility of thermal insulation materials
Savitsky R.S., Sudin Yu.I., Salakhova R.K. Comparison of the effect of different release agents on the free surface energy of polymer tooling
Protective and functional
Marchenko S.A., Zheleznyak V.G., Kuznetsova V.A. Application and modification of particles to create superhydrophobic coatings (review)
Material tests
Boychuk A.S., Dikov I.A., Chertishchev V.Yu., Generalov A.S., Gorbovets M.A. Ultrasonic testing of CFRP monolith structures radius zones by radius phased array and special device
Alekseev A.V., Petrov P.S. Determination of impurities in nickel alloys by the method of park optical emission spectroscopy
Alekseev A.V., Yakimovich P.V., Koshelev A.V. Analysis of aluminum by glow discharge high resolution mass spectrometry