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Products from organic glasses are widely used in aviation engineering for different types of glazing which work in difficult operational conditions, for example, are exposed to influence of low and high temperatures, moisture, ultra-violet radiation, etc. These factors can influence operational reliability of organic glass. Now application of the oriented polymethyl methacrylate AO-120 organic glass is most widespread in designs of aviation glazing. In the real work results of research of microstructure of surfaces of the AO-120 or-ganic glass which has undergone long influence of atmospheric factors in different climatic zones of the USA (Arizona and Florida) are provided.
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Results of work on determination of stickiness of the carbon prepregs developed in Research Center Kurchatovsky institut – VIAM are given. The method and the equipment for determination of stickiness of prepregs is described. The comparative analysis of stickiness of prepregs on different epoxy binders and structures of carbon fillers is carried out. The interrelation between stickiness and short-term impact of temperature on technological properties of semi-finished products is shown. Stickiness of the prepregs used for manufacturing of aviation products, using the automated laying is investigated.
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On the basis of a number of research works results on heat ageing of silicone sealants VIKSINT were received. Test results after heat ageing of plates of sealants and samples of the sealants brought on metal are presented. Temperature dependences of properties of sealants on speed and duration of thermal ageing are shown. Resources of work of sealants are defined at various temperatures. Ways of increase of operating properties of silicone sealants are considered.
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Polymer composite materials (PCM) are increasingly being used in various industries. At the same time, knowledge of PCM processing is needed in order not to negate these advantages. An overview of traditional PCM processing methods is presented: cutting with abrasive wheels with and without cooling, milling on a numerically controlled machine, as well as such unconventional methods as: abrasive water jet cutting (AWG) and electrical discharge machining (EDM). Technological features, comparison of cutting modes are described and technological techniques are disclosed.
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The main purpose of this work was to simulate the temperatures of maximum heating of PVC-profile samples in the climatic conditions of the city of Gelendzhik and their modeling in other climatic conditions (the city of Moscow). The work evaluates the maximum heating temperatures of the surface of PVC-profile samples having a complex spatial shape, evaluates various approaches to its modeling and forecasting in other climatic conditions. The possible influence of the shape of the samples on the processes of their heat exchange with the environment is noted.
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Polymer materials
Obraztsova E.P., Titkova Yu.M., Donskikh I.N. Heat-resistant fibers and non-woven materials based on them for use in filter elements of gas turbine engines (review)
Kurshev E.V., Lonskii S.L., Mekalina I.V. Influence of long climatic aging on microstructure of surface of organic glass in semi-arid and subtropical climate
Composite materials
Kolokoltseva T.V., Popov Yu.O., Usacheva M.N., Gromova A.A. Prepregs and fiberglass based on VSR-3М binder and fiberglass fabrics for use in helicopter blades
Mishkin S.I., Klimenko O.N., Kutcevich K.E. Determination of stickiness of prepregs on the basis of carbon fillers the sounding method
Ilyukhina M.A., Timonin V.V. Research of operating properties of RTV silicone sealants at elevated temperatures (up to +400 °C) and ways of their increase
Ponomarenko L.A.About ways of structure modification of a knitted fillers for polymeric composite materials (review)
Khudnev A.A., Batienkov R.V., Bolshakova A.N., Dvoretskov R.M. Study of the features of compaction of powder composite materials based on molybdenum using spark plasma sintering
Morgunov R.B., Korolev D.V., Valeev R.A., Piskorsky V.P. Laser modification of rare earth magnetic alloys (review)
Kan A.Ch., Kulagina G.S., Ayupov T.R., Zhelezina G.F. The influence of environmental factors on the characteristics of antifriction organoplasty Orgalon AF-1M
Dyshenko V.S., Donetskiy K.I., Minibaev M.I., Ablyaz T.R., Shlykov E.S., Shiryaev V.V. Methods of mechanical and electrical discharge machining of polymer composite materials (review)
Protective and functional
Zavarzin S.V., Oglodkov M.S., Chesnokov D.V., Kozlov I.A. Hot corrosion and protection of materials of gas turbine engines (review)
Material tests
Panin S.V. Modeling and prediction of overheating temperatures of PVC profile samples