Archive - Электронный научный журнал "ТРУДЫ ВИАМ"



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1. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-1-1
УДК 669.018.292:66.017
Klochkov G.G., Klochkova Y.Y., Romanenko V.A.
Influence of deformation temperature on structure and properties of extruded products of Al–Mg–Si alloy V-1341

The research results of deformation temperature influence on structure, mechanical and corrosion properties of extruded products of Al–Mg–Si alloy V-1341 additionally doped with small additions of Ca made in industrial-scale production of JSC «KUMW» metallurgical plant are presented. Extrusion is maintained at low (300–350°C) and high (450–500°C) temperatures. Corrosion resistance (intergranular corrosion and layer corrosion) of extruded products is investigated. Comparison of mechanical properties after thermal processing in laboratory and metallurgical workshop conditions is also given.

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2. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-2-2
УДК 666.3.017:669.055
Ryabov D.K., Morozova L.V., Korolev V.A., Ivanova A.O.
Alternation of mechanical features of alloy AK9ch manufactured by selective laser melting

Treatment of materials using selective laser melting technology allows obtaining different products from a wide range of metallic materials. Aluminum powders allow also manufacturing construction elements. Achieving required strength of many aluminum alloys depends on applied heat treatment. The article presents investigation results of heat treatment parameters influence on tensile strength characteristics as well as the results of fractographic research. The work is carried out under the realization of integrated research area 10.3. «Technologies of atomization for producing high quality metallic powders for additive manufacturing and powders for brazing» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies for their processing for the period till 2030»)

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3. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-3-3
УДК 669.715
Ryabov D.K., Zaysev D.V., Dynin N.V., Ivanova A.O.
Alternation of structure of selective laser melted aluminum alloy AK9ch during heat treatment

Development of 3D-printing technologies made it possible to prepare half-finished product and components from metal powders including those from aluminum alloys. These technologies allow procuring complex products with high improved material efficiency. However the high crystallization speed during selective laser sintering causes manufacture of structures that are not typical for classical casting technologies. The research results of the microstructure changes of AK9ch material during various kinds of heat treatment (annealing, solution treatment), the results of the optical microscopy and TEM studies are introduced. The work is carried out under the realization of integrated research area 10.3. «Technologies of atomization for producing high quality metallic powders for additive manufacturing and powders for brazing» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies for their processing for the period till 2030»)

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4. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-4-4
УДК 621.745.435
Skupov A.A., Ioda E.N., Panteleev M.D.
New filler materials for welding of high-strength aluminum-lithium alloys

Compositions of Al–Cu filler materials with additions of Sc, Hf, Nd, Ag to provide with improved resistance to hot cracking and mechanical properties of welding joints of high-strength aluminum-lithium alloys comparing with those obtained using the serial welding filler material SV-1201 are developed. It is shown that application of the developed filler materials is perspective for manufacturing welded structures and provides with increased operating reliability and durability.

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5. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-5-5
УДК 669.018.95
Nochovnaya N.A., Panin P.V., Kochetkov A.S., Bokov K.A.
VIAM experience in development and research of new generation low-cost titanium alloys

The issues of development and research of prospective titanium alloys are in focus from the point of view of «economical» alloyage approach. The properties of low-cost titanium alloys developed in FSUE «VIAM» are shown in comparison with foreign analogues. The features of cast alloy VT40L (Ti–Al–V–Mo–Fe–Si) and new structural alloys VT44 (Ti–Al–REE) and VT45 (Ti–Al–V–Fe–REE) are considered, the two latter alloys are designed both for independent use in low- and medium-strained constructions and for titanium-polymer laminates which give opportunity to provide with 20 percent weight reduction comparing to that of bulk-metal constructions with the same load bearing capacity. It is shown that the new near-α and (α+β) REE-containing alloys have improved mechanical and service properties.

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6. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-6-6
УДК 621.791
Kashapov O.S., Pavlova T.V., Kalashnikov V.S., Kondrateva A.R.
Research of influence of alloying elements content on properties of high strength near alpha heat resistance titanium alloy VT46

The study of influence of alloying elements content (aluminum, tin, silicon and iron) in the near alpha titanium alloy VТ46 in room and elevated temperatures (500 and 550°С) is performed. It is found that reducing the content of elements such as aluminum, tin, silicon comparing with a nominal composition leads to decrease in creep strength characteristics of the material. Content of iron has a significant effect only on the level of strength in relatively low test temperatures.

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7. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-7-7
УДК 669.055
Farafonov D.P., Bazyleva O.A., Rogalev A.M.
Alloys for blade shroud hardening

The results of properties comparative research of materials developed by FSUE «VIAM» for hardening the bandage shelves of gas turbine engines rotor blades and properties of foreign materials used for hardening of the friction components operating in extreme conditions particularly for improving wear resistance of the blades bandage shelves are presented. This work is carried out in the frames of integrated scientific directions: 9.7. «High-temperature deformable alloys and the composite materials strengthened by high-melting metal fibers and particles, abraded sealing materials» and 10.3. «Technologies of atomization for production of fine-dispersed high-quality powders of different metal alloys for the additive technologies» («The strategic directions of materials and technologies of their processing development for the period till 2030»)

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8. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-8-8
УДК 669.245
Zaysev D.V., Sbitneva S.V., Ber L.B., Zavodov A.V.
Determination of the main phase’s particles chemical composition in products from granulated nickel superalloy EP741NP

The chemical composition of γ, γ` and carbide particles in disc blanks from granulated nickel superalloy EP741NP is defined. Investigation of the phase’s chemical composition is performed using X-ray spectral microanalysis having locality 1,5 nm in transmission electron microscope. The γ`-phases particles have an increased content of Ni, Al, Ti, Nb and a lower concentration of Cr, Co, Mo and W than the matrix γ-layer. Particles of carbides contain high boron concentration besides of high carbon content thus theу are the carboborides. It is shown that the carboborides can be divided into two types depending on stoichiometric composition. The larger 0,3–1 micron sized particles are Me(B, C) phase where Me is Ti, Nb, Hf. and the smaller 80–200 nm sized particles corresponds to Ме23(В, С)6 or Ме3(В, С)2, where Ме is Cr, Mo, W. The identification of Me(B, C) particles is carried out using diffraction methods. The work is executed within implementation of integrated scientific direction 2.

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9. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-9-9
УДК 669.018.44:620.179.1
Lapteva M.A., Belova N.A., Raevskih A.N., Filonova E.V.
Dependence of roughness, surface morphology structure and number of defects on the power of the laser, scanning speed and the type of hatching in the high-temperature alloys synthesized by SLS

The article presents a study on the development of methods for the quantification of the surface morphology and structural defects in superalloy synthesized by the method of selective laser melting (SLM). The results of studies on the proposed methods for the quantitative metallographic analysis of samples of superalloys ZHS6K-VI and EP648-VI, obtained at different technological parameters of SLM.

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10. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-10-10
УДК 620.178.6
Morozova L.V., Zhegina I.P., Grigorenko V.B.
Particular properties of deformation behavior of alloy V-1469 in conditions of joint influence of applied loading and active corrosion environment

The deformation behavior of Al-Li alloy V-1469 in conditions of joint influence of applied load and active corrosion environment after carrying out tests according to six schemes is considered. Research of alternation of destruction nature and relief of the alloy surface is conducted; plastic zones of deformation localization which differ on density of strips of sliding, the size and density of corrosion pettings are allocated. The work is executed within implementation of integrated scientific direction 8.1. «High-strength welded aluminum and aluminum-lithium alloys of lowered density with increased fracture toughness» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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11. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-11-11
УДК 620.194.22:669.295
Zakharova L.V.
Influence of chemical composition, thermal treatment and structure on cracking sensitivity of titanium alloys to hot-salt stress corrosion

It is reported about research of influence of chemical composition, thermal treatment and microstructure on titanium alloys sensitivity to cracking from hot salt stress corrosion. It is shown that the binary alloy of Ti–Al system containing 3% of Al possesses low sensitivity to cracking from hot salt stress corrosion at tests temperatures 400 and 500°C. At increase of Al quantity to 5–8% in titanium alloys their tendency to cracking significantly increases. The positive role of Fe and Mo, lack of V influence and negative role of Sn as alloying elements in Ti–Al system alloys for their cracking resistance increase from hot salt corrosion at tests temperatures 400 and 500°C is revealed. It is shown that influence of Zr and Cr is ambiguous and depends on the contents of Al in alloys and testing temperature. It is found out that the annealed condition provides with higher resistance to cracking from hot salt corrosion of Ti alloys than thermally strengthened at test temperature lower t

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12. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-9-12-12
УДК 678.8:66.022.5
Raskutin A.E., Khrulkov A.V., Girsh R.I.
Technological features of composite materials machining in manufacturing details of structures (review)

The methods and techniques of machining technology for polymer composite materials (PCM) are considered. The features of PCM processing, tool selection, modes and methods of PCM processing as well as problems arising in the manufacture of the holes in the PCM structures are described. The major objectives of composites implementation in developing aircraft constructions currently are: – development and implementation of new materials and processes aimed at reducing technological cycles in structures manufacturing, quality improvement by improving the PCM processing technology, increasing tools life for machining technology and cutting modes, implementing universal methods of non-destructive quality control of the finished product; – reducing prices for feedstock and technology; – minimizing the harmful effects on nature, development of green technologies, reducing processing temperature, time of manufacture, development of technologies to exclude further processing in assembly oper

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