Archive - Электронный научный журнал "ТРУДЫ ВИАМ"



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1. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-1-1
УДК 621.775.8:62-758.34
Farafonov D.P., Migunov V.P., Degovets M.L., Alyoshina R.Sh.
Porous-fibrous metallic material for sound-absorbing structures of aircraft GTE

The article presents the results of VIAM efforts aimed at creating an effective sound-absorbing material made of metal fibers for high-temperature sound-absorbing structures of aviation gas turbine engines (SAS). Porous fibrous metal material (PFMM) is one of the most challenging materials for SAS. Their high level of the absorption properties, which are almost self-contained under stream sound pressure, can provide noise reduction within a wide frequency range of the sound vibrations. In addition to high acoustic efficiency of the sound absorbing materials for aircraft gas turbine engines they have to possess high heat and corrosion resistance, high strength with low specific weight. The results of VIAM studies show that with the help of the metal fibers it is possible to create the sound-absorbing material with the characteristics named above. Research is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 15.7. «Metal porous-fibrous materials for sound-proof struct

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2. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-2-2
УДК 539.388.1:669.018.44:669.295
Gorbovets M.A., Nochovnaya N.A.
About parameters of Paris equation at fatigue crack growth rate tests of heat-resistant titanium alloys

Fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) is a necessary component in the complex of mechanical properties characterizing reliability of materials for aviation engineering. Research of FCGR of heat-resistant titanium alloys VT8-1, VT41, VIT1 is conducted at room and working temperatures, two cycle ratios (0,1 and 0,5). It is established that parameters of Paris equation (C and n) for the studied heat-resistant titanium alloys are not independent and are approximated by the general direct line in «lgC–lgn» coordinates. Investigation is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 2.2. «Qualification and researches of materials» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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3. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-3-3
УДК 539.388.1:669.018.44:669.295
Gorbovets M.A., Nochovnaya N.A.
Influence of microstructure and phase composition of heat-resisting titanium alloys on the fatigue crack growth rate

Research of influence of structure and phase composition on the fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) is conducted at room and working temperature for heat-resisting titanium alloys VIT1 with globular and lamellar-globular structure and alloy VТ41 with lamellar and globular-lamellar structure. Influence of phase composition and morphology of structural components on FCGR is established. Investigation is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 2.2. «Qualification and researches of materials» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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4. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-4-4
УДК 66.065.5
Koljadov E.V., Mezhin Yu.A.
Automation of the technological process of single-crystal castings of superalloys on UVNK type installations

The article deals with the principle of directional solidification, the main parameters of the process having decisive influence on the morphological features of the structure of the emerging casting. The installations of directional solidification used in aircraft factories are considered. The reasons of the necessity of complete automation of the technological process in foundry are explained. The principle of automation of the technological process of single-crystal casting on units UVNK-type simplifying work of operator and ensuring the reproducibility of the process, in which the «human factor» in the foundry industry would be minimized is shown. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 9.5. «The directional solidification (with variable controlled gradient) of superalloys» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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5. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-5-5
УДК 669.725:543.42
Dvoretskov R.M., Volkova O.S., Radzikovskaya V.N., Burova V.N.
Determination of beryllium in modern aviation materials by atomic emission spectrome-try with inductively coupled plasma

Research on selection of sample preparation conditions for various beryllium-bearing aviation materials and selection of analytical lines for different ranges of Be content in these materials was carried out. The measurement technique of the mass fraction of beryllium in aviation materials by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES) in combination with microwave sample preparation was developed. The technique allows determining both high (more than 2,5% wt.) and low (0,0001% wt.) concentrations of beryllium. It has been shown that ICP-AES technique is less long and labour-intensive and safer as compared with gravimetry technique. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 8.6. «Elinvar, wear-resistant alloys and high-strength beryllium-bearing steels for devices and units» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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6. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-6-6
УДК 669.018.95
Schetanov B. V., Efimochkin I.Yu., Paegle S.V.
Phase-to-phase borders interaction in the Nb-matrix composite material reinforced by single-crystal fibers α-Al2O3

A set of experimental samples of fibrous composite material (CM) was fabricated by hot pressing of niobium powder and continuous single-crystal fibers α-Al2O3 with TiN or Mo coatings and without them. The investigation of interactions on phase-to-phase borders in the CM has shown, that molybdenum diffusion-barrier coating, in comparison with TiN coating, is more effective as corrosion protection of single-crystal fibers α-Al2O3 at higher (>1300°С) temperatures and more use time. It has been found that the high-temperature bending strength at 1300°C of the initial CM reinforced by fibers without coating 2,2 times higher than for the pure (Nb) matrix; for the CM reinforced by fibers with TiN coating this value is 1,8 times higher. The strength of the material reinforced by TiN-coated fibers increases after heat aging and exceeds the strength of matrix 2,4 times. High-temperature strength of the initial CM with Mo-coated fibers and after heat aging are about similar and exceeds the stren

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7. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-7-7
УДК 620.1:629.7.023
Semenychev V.V., Smirnova T.B.
Evaluation of porosity of chromecarbide coatings on different classes of structural materials using measurement of systems stationary potential

Stationary potentials of pyrolytic chromecarbide coating (PCCC), deposited on samples of various structural materials, like steel 30HGSA, titanium alloy VT6 and aluminum alloy D16ch.-T have been measured in 3% aqueous NaCl solution. Thickness of chromecarbide coatings ranged from 6 to 30 μm. In order to eliminate the influence of substrate on formation of stationary potential the PCCC was deposited on glass samples. The potential steady-stated in 72 hours was taken as stationary. Additionally to coated samples the initial samples of selected structural alloys were studied. Research has shown that PCCC is a cathode coating and the value of its stationary potential is +285 mV. Stationary potentials of the used structural materials have negative values, which range from -110 to -730 mV. Analysis of experimental data showed that the decrease in thickness of coating leads to a shift of the value of stationary potential to negative range, i. e. at small coating thicknesses substrate through

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8. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-8-8
УДК 667.621:678.8
Pavlovsky K.A., Yamshchikova G.A., Gunyaeva A.G., Ulkin M.Yu.
Development of binding, not sustaining combustion of CFRP, for manufacturing of thick-walled products from polymeric composite materials by method of press formation

The overview on application of different substances for decrease in combustibility of polymeric materials is provided. Results of researches on development of binding, not sustaining combustion of CFRP are provided. Results of researches on development and optimization of manufacture modes of CFRP samples of different thickness are provided. Researches of electrophysical, thermo - and physicomechanical characteristics of samples of CFRP are conducted. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 13.1. «Binding for polymeric and composite materials of structural and special purpose» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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9. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-9-9
УДК 628.517.699.844
Platonov M.M., Nesterova T.A., Sagomonova V.A.
Acoustic polymeric materials of new generation (review)

Article is devoted to the questions of the application and description of characteristics of new polymeric materials with acoustic properties developed at «The All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials» in recent years. The sound-proof porous-fibrous polymeric materials VTI-7 and VTI-12 as well as cellular acoustic structure VZMK-1 on their basis are considered. Properties of sound-proof materials of VTP-1V-type intended for reduction of negative vibration impact and structural noise on passengers, pilots and microelectronics are described. Properties of the heat-sound-proof material VPP-1 on the basis of the polyimide being today material, exceeding at properties the earlier widely used material ATM-1 are considered. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 15.3. «Materials and coatings for protection against EMЕ, impact, vibrating, acoustic and electric influences» («The strategic directions of development of materials and tech

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10. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-10-10
УДК 678.8
Satdinov R.A., Veshkin E.A, Postnov V.I., Abramov P.A.
The role of anti-adhesive coatings in the technological process of PCM molding

Growth of production volume of parts from polymeric composite materials (PCM) causes development of the industry of supporting materials for their manufacturing. Lubricants for creation of anti-adhesive coatings are among the most important of them. Anti-adhesive coatings of different types using for protection of molding surface of tooling when manufacturing parts from polymeric composition materials are studied in this article. Work is conducted on estimations of anti-adhesive coatings for stability and transferring ability on manufactured parts as well as efforts of the removal of parts and binding residue from tooling. Coating is chosen for manufacturing parts with a gel-coat layer. Work is conducted on measuring interfacial angle on the surface of anti-adhesive coatings. Influence of the anti-adhesive coatings on basic properties of polymeric composition materials is investigated Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 13.2 «Structural PCM» («T

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11. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-11-11
УДК 620.165.79
Polyakova A.V., Krivushina A.A., Goryashnik J.S., Bukharev G.M.
Microbiological resistance tests under nature conditions in variety of climatiс zones

Biodeterioration attacks practically all materials and products especially under conditions of warm and humid climate. In addition to microbiological resistance tests in laboratory such tests under natural conditions are extremely recommended. These tests allow isolating microorganisms and revealing active strains of microorganisms-biodestructors, which can be used for microbiological resistance tests in laboratory and for study of protective properties of antiseptics and biocides. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 18.4 «Development of protection methods against biological damage of materials operating in the conditions of different climatic zones» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)

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12. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-4-12-12
УДК 620.11.2:678.8
Yakovlev N.O., Gulyaev A.I., Lashov O.A.
Fracture toughness of laminated polymer composites (review)
The current situation in the field of estimation methods of interlaminar fracture toughness of polymer composite materials is analyzed. Experimental data on the interlayer fracture toughness GIс and GIIс of laminated polymeric composite materials based on carbon (HTS40, T-800HB, UТ-900, Porher 4510, 3692, 14535) and glass (Т-10(VMP)-14, Porher 7781) reinforcement and polymer matrix – VSE-1212, VST-1208, VST-1210, BMI-3, VSN-31, EDT-69N are given. Special fractographic features of damages of fiberglasses VPS-47/7781 and VPS-48/7781 are described. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 2.2 «Qualification and researches of materials» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)
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