Archive - Электронный научный журнал "ТРУДЫ ВИАМ"



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1. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-1-1
УДК 669.018.44:669.017.165:669.245
Kucheryaev V.V., Mironova N.A., Shishkov S.U.
Research of technological features of Ni–Al–Co system ingots deformation

The results of studies of the structure and rheological properties of the experimental alloy based on ternary Ni–Al–Co system for development gas turbine disk technology are presented. Application specifics of protective coatings technology (РСТ) based on vitreous during isothermal forging of the experimental alloy ingots based on ternary Ni–Al–Co on the air are considered. The effectiveness of PCT in the deformation process is experimentally demonstrated.

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2. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-2-2
УДК 669.018.44:669.245
Shein E.A.
Trends in alloying and microalloying of nickel-based single crystal superalloys (review)

Review of modern single crystal Ni-based alloys is presented, including their chemical composition, structure and properties. The influence of addition agents on the structure stability, formation of undesired phases and toughening mechanism as well as rare earth metals influence on the structure and high temperature properties of superalloys are shown.

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3. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-3-3
УДК 669.721.5:546.65
Frolov A.V., Mukhina I.Y., Leonov A.A., Uridiya Z.P.
An influence of rare-earth metals doping on properties and structure of the experimental Mg–Zr–Zn–Y–Nd casting magnesium alloy

The increase of the articles operating temperature makes critical the task of creation of casting magnesium alloys with high strength and heat-resistant characteristics. Provision of high strength and heat resistant properties of cast magnesium alloys can be achieved by alloying with prospective elements, including selection and optimization of thermal processing conditions. An integrated doping of several rare-earth metals of yttrium (Y, Nd) and cerium (Ce, La, Pr) subgroups in different proportions can be perspective. Expensive rare-earth metals such as erbium, gadolinium, samarium and others can be tested as microadditives improving heat-resistant characteristics of the alloy. When doping rare earth elements, a steady effect of grain boundaries hardening with Mg12Nd, Mg12Ce, Mg12La, Mg24Y5 compounds as well as a significant reduction in oxidation of magnesium alloy even at the content of 0,1 to 1,0% of such REM as yttrium, dysprosium, erbium, gadolinium. The yttrium, neodymium and

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4. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-4-4
УДК 669.018.28:669.295
Kochetkov A.S., Nochovnaya N.A., Bokov K.A.
Specifics of production process of VT40 titanium alloy castings

The basic stages of producing castings of VT40 alloy, doping system, mold, selecting a mode of ingots and forms melting , HIP modes, method of internal defects diagnostics are considered. Particular attention is paid to complex alloying additions of α- and β-stabilizers, as well as additional doping with oxygen and carbon. The effect of doping on the comprehensive strength of the alloy is shown. The advantages of ceramic molds application comparing with graphite ones are considered. It is found that to obtain high-quality castings it is necessary to observe all technological operations.

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5. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-5-5
УДК 669.018.44:669.295
Pavlova T.V., Kashapov O.S., Kondrateva A.R., Kalashnikov V.S.
Opportunities to expand the VT8-1 alloy application for disks and compressor rotor wheels

The article describes main factors allowing to extend the application area for VT8-1 alloy in GTE parts for rotary – fan drives and compressors of high and low pressure. Comparative characteristics of the mechanical properties (strength, ductility, toughness, FCGR) of disks die forgings of VT8-1 and VT6 alloys with respect to large-sized forgings drives for the fan and first stage of low pressure compressors , as well as drives of the HPC of VT8-1 and VT9 alloys (characteristics of strength, fracture toughness, FCGR, heat resistance) applicable for parts with working temperature up to 500°С are presented.

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6. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-6-6
УДК 669.295
Panin P.V., Dzunovich D.А., Shiryaev A.A.
Research on thermal stability of VT6 titanium alloy structure after thermohydrogen treatment

Temperature and duration parameters of multiphase (α+α2+β)-structure stability in VT6 (Ti–6.25Al–4.1V, % wt.) titanium alloyformed by thermohydrogen treatment (THT) upon 0.8% wt. hydrogen doping are determined. It is revealed that the structure after THT with the subsequent vacuum annealing at 625 and 650°С possesses the maximal thermal stability during isothermal ageing (more than 100 hours at temperatures up to 650°С).

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7. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-7-7
УДК 678.8
Kondrashov S.V., Shashkeev K.A., Popkov O.V., Solovyanchik L.V.
Prospective producing methods for functional structural materials based on CNT-filled nanocomposites (review)

Various methods for producing structural materials with functional properties by introducing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into a polymer composite material (PCM) matrix are presented. It is shown that the conductivity of the CNT-filled composites depends not only on CNTs type, concentration and polymer matrix composition, but also on the nanocomposite production method. Thus hybrid PCMs combining high electric conductivity and good physical and mechanical properties can be produced by using extruders ensuring high shear stress. Using CNTs as the reinforcing filler allows producing PCM with the record tensile strength of 3,8 GPa, tensile modulus of 293 GPa and conductivity of 1230 S/cm. Decorating CNTs with metal nanoparticles allows increasing conductivity of the hybrid PCMs by several orders.

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8. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-8-8
УДК 629.7.023.224
Matveev P.V., Budinovskiy S.A.
Influence of vacuum annealing on structure of ion-plasma coatings made with double aluminizing technology

Influence of vacuum annealing on structure of ion-plasma VSDP-4+VSDP-23 coating made with double aluminizing technology is researched. Coatings made with intermediate heat-treatment are compared to those with increased amount of aluminum alloy sprayed at once. The advantage of standard annealing with the temperature not exceeding 1050 °С is shown. It is also shown that addition of intermediate heat treatment doesn’t influence much on the structure of coating.

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9. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-9-9
УДК 621.791.3:543.847
Titov V.I., Goundobin N.V., Pilipenko L.V.
Development of methods for determining small amounts of cerium in alloys of Co–Cr–W–Ta–Ti–Ce

Cobalt-based alloys can be applied as superalloys together with nickel ones for parts operating at high temperatures. Rare earth elements (REM) have positive impact on long-term strength, ductility, viscosity, deformation of the alloy at high temperatures , and reduce the harmful effects of fusible (S, Pb, Sn, Bi), connecting them in refractory compounds. The positive effect of rare-earth elements on the alloys properties is exercises in a fairly narrow range of concentrations. Therefore, to obtain improved material properties it is necessary to strictly control the REM content in the alloys. As a result of this work the technique of determination of cerium in Co–Cr–W–Ta–Ti–Ce alloys in the concentrations range 0,002–0,02 wt. % using a reagent redoksan Ι is de-veloped.

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10. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-10-10
УДК 669.018.95:678.8
Loshchinina A.O., Belous V.Ya., Varlamova V.E., Nikitin Ya.Yu.
About influence of surface preparation of cold rolled tape from VNS9-Sh steel on mechanical properties of metal-polymer composite material and its corrosion resistance in KST-35

Results of a comparative assessment of corrosion resistance of samples of metal-polymer composite material (MPKM) on the basis of a high-strength tape from VNS-9-Sh steel and a coal plastic VKU-44 in the conditions of the camera of salt fog KST-35 after 1, 2 and 3 months of tests are considered. Influence of various surface pre-treatment of steel plates of the VNS-9-Sh tape on adhesion during production of MPKM samples is considered. Average values of tension before destruction of samples glue joints at mechanical shear tests for shift are defined.

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11. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-11-11
УДК 620.193:669.715
Pavlovskaya T.G., Deshevaya E.A., Zaitcev S.N., Kozlov I.A., Volkov I.A., Zakharov К.Е.
Corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys in conditions simulating space flight

The corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys in a summary action of abiotic and biotic factors of space flight is studied. The evaluation of internal changes of aluminum alloys after the corrosion process under the influence of space flight is conducted. Physical and mechanical properties of aluminum alloys after exposure to fluids containing waste products of organisms biodestructors are defined.

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12. 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-3-12-12
УДК 536.46
Barbotko S.L., Nesterova T.A., Kirienko O.A., Volnyj O.S.
The research of operational and climatic factors influence on flammability of textile materials used in aviation

Researches on impact assessment of some external influencing operational and climatic factors on combustibility characteristics for several types of textile materials are conducted. Influence of thermal-humidity factors on change of registered characteristics of fire safety is shown.

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