2. Kablov E.N. Sovremennye materialy – osnova innovacionnoj modernizacii Rossii [Modern materials – basis of innovative modernization of Russia] //Metally Evrazii. 2012. №3. S. 10–15.
3. Kablov E.N., Petrushin N.V., Svetlov I.L., Demonis I.M. Nikelevye litejnye zharoprochnye splavy novogo pokolenija [Nickel foundry hot strength alloys of new generation] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 36–52.
4. Kablov E.N., Sidorov V.V., Kablov D.E., Rigin V.E., Gorjunov A.V. Sovremennye tehnologii poluchenija prutkovyh zagotovok iz litejnyh zharoprochnyh splavov novogo pokolenija [Modern technologies of receiving bar preparations from foundry hot strength alloys of new generation] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 97–105.
5. Kablov E.N., Lomberg B.S., Ospennikova O.G. Sozdanie sovremennyh zharoprochnyh ma-teria-lov i tehnologij ih proizvodstva dlja aviacionnogo dvigatelestroenija [Creation of modern heat resisting materials and technologies of their production for aviation engine building] //Kryl'ja Rodiny. 2012. №3–4. S. 34–38.
6. Tonysheva O.A., Voznesenskaja N.M., Eliseev Je.A., Shal'kevich A.B. Novaja vysokoprochnaja jekonomnolegirovannaja azotsoderzhashhaja stal' povyshennoj nadezhnosti [New high-strength ekonomnolegirovanny azotsoderzhashchy steel of increased reliability] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 84–88.
7. Letnikov M.N., Lomberg B.S., Ovsepjan S.V. Issledovanie kompozicij sistemy Ni–Al–Co pri razrabotke novogo zharoprochnogo deformiruemogo intermetallidnogo splava [Research of compositions of Ni-Al-Co system when developing new heat resisting deformable intermetallidny alloy] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №10. St. 01 (
8. Arginbaeva Je.G., Bazyleva O.A. Issledovanie struktury i fiziko-mehanicheskih svojstv intermetallidnyh nikelevyh splavov [Research of structure and physicomechanical properties of intermetallidny nickel alloys] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №4. S. 14–19.
9. Lomberg B.S., Bakradze M.M., Chabina E.B., Filonova E.V. Vzaimosvjaz' struktury i svojstv vysokozharoprochnyh nikelevyh splavov dlja diskov gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Interrelation of structure and properties of high-heat resisting nickel alloys for disks of gas turbine engines] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2011. №2. S. 25–30.
10. Burcev V.T., Anuchkin S.N., Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E. Issledovanie defosforacii slozhnolegirovannyh rasplavov nikelja v uslovijah vakuumnoj indukcionnoj plavki. I. Termodinamika processa defosforacii [Research of dephosphorization complex-alloyed rasplavov nickel in the conditions of vacuum induction melting. I. Thermodynamics of process of dephosphorization] //Metally. 2013. №2. S. 19–23.
11. Ljubushko E.Je. Razrabotka i ispol'zovanie intellektual'nyh informacionnyh sistem i tehnologij generacii i analiza znanij dlja podderzhki fundamental'nyh i prikladnyh nauchnyh issledovanij v oblasti kataliza i himicheskoj tehnologii [Development and use of intellectual information systems and technologies of generation and the analysis of knowledge for support of basic and applied scientific researches in the field of catalysis and chemical technology] //Obrazovatel'nye tehnologii i obshhestvo. 2006. T. 9. №3. S. 346–355.
12. Nikol'skaja I.Ju. Integral'naja sistema informacionnogo obespechenija nauchnyh issledovanij v oblasti matematicheskih nauk: koncepcija sozdanija i perspektivy razvitija [Integral system of information support of scientific researches in the field of mathematical sciences: concept of creation and development perspective]: Avtoref. dis. d.t.n. M. 2008. 42 s.
13. Vorob'jova V.P. Fazovye diagrammy sostojanija treh- i chetyrehkomponentnyh sistem: ot topologii k komp'juternym modeljam [Phase charts of condition of three - and four-component systems: from topology to computer models]: Avtoref. dis. d.f.-m.n. Tjumen'. 2012. 36 s.
14. Germashev I.V. Analiz i sintez himicheskih struktur i organicheskih veshhestv na osnove teorii nechetkih mnozhestv [The analysis and synthesis of chemical structures and organic substances on the basis of the theory of indistinct sets]: Avtoref. dis. d.t.n. Ivanovo. 2010. 33 s.
15. Kuz'menko V.V. Soglasovanie termodinamicheskih svojstv i raschet nekotoryh fazovyh ravnovesij v sisteme ittrij–barij–med'–kislorod [Approval of thermodynamic properties and calculation of some phase ravnovesiya in system yttrium-barium-copper-oxygen]: dis. k.h.n. M.: MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova. 2001. 22 s.
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Results of the research dedicated to the time-dependent formation of composite granules are described in the paper. Results of research of technological parameters of briquettes formed from the produced composite granules are shown. Process parameters for production of metal composite material based on magnesium reinforced by refractory particles (10-30 % vol.) by extrusion are analyzed. Mechanical properties of the material were tested and test results were used for correction of the process parameters of composite material formation.
2. Istorija aviacionnogo materialovedenija. VIAM – 80 let: gody i ljudi [History of aviation materials science. VIAM – 80 years: years and people] /Pod. obshh. red. E.N. Kablova. M.: VIAM. 2012. 520 s.
3. Shmotin Ju.N., Starkov R.Ju., Danilov D.V., Ospennikova O.G., Lomberg B.S. Novye materialy dlja perspektivnogo dvigatelja OAO «NPO „Saturn”» [New materials for the perspective engine of JSC NPO Saturn] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №2. S. 6–8.
4. Kablov E.N., Grashhenkov D.V., Isaeva N.V., Solncev S.S., Sevast'janov V.G. Vysokotemperaturnye konstrukcionnye kompozicionnye materialy na osnove stekla i keramiki dlja perspektivnyh izdelij aviacionnoj tehniki [High-temperature constructional composite materials on the basis of glass and ceramics for perspective products of aviation engineering] //Steklo i keramika. 2012. №4. S. 7–11.
5. Kablov E.N., Shhetanov B.V., Shavnjov A.A. i dr. Svojstva i primenenie vysokonapolnennogo metallomatrichnogo kompozicionnogo materiala Al–SiC [Properties and application of the high-filled metalmatrix Al-SiC composite material] //Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. 2011. №3–1. S. 56–59.
6. Tarasov Ju.M., Antipov V.V. Novye materialy VIAM − dlja perspektivnoj aviacionnoj tehniki proizvodstva OAO «OAK» [The VIAM new materials − for perspective aviation engineering of production of JSC OAK] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №2. S. 5–6.
7. Beljaev M.S., Hvackij K.K., Gorbovec M.A. Sravnitel'nyj analiz rossijskogo i zarubezhnyh standartov ispytanij na ustalost' metallov [Comparative analysis Russian and foreign standards of fatigue tests of metals] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №9. St. 11 (
8. Erasov V.S., Grinevich A.V., Senik V.Ja., Konovalov V.V., Trunin Ju.P., Nesterenko G.I. Raschetnye znachenija harakteristik prochnosti aviacionnyh materialov [Calculated values of characteristics of durability of aviation materials] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №2. S. 14–16.
9. Lur'e S.A., Soljaev Ju.O. Modificirovannyj metod Jeshelbi v zadache opredelenija jeffektivnyh svojstv so sfericheskimi mikro- i nanovkljuchenijami [The modified method of Eshelbi in problem of determination of effective properties with spherical micro and nanoinclusions] //Vestnik PGTU. Mehanika. 2010. №1. S. 80–90.
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12. Kablov E.N. Sovremennye materialy – osnova innovacionnoj modernizacii Rossii [Modern materials – basis of innovative modernization of Russia] //Metally Evrazii. 2012. №3. S. 10–15.
13. Kablov E.N. Himija v aviacionnom materialovedenii [Chemistry in aviation materials science] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 3–4.
14. Hari Babu N., Zhongyun Fan, Eskin D.G. Application of external fields to technology of metal matrix composite materials //TMS-2013 Annual Meeting Supplemental Proceedings. 2013. P. 1037–1044.
15. Kablov E.N., Shhetanov B.V., Grashhenkov D.V., Shavnev A.A., Njafkin A.N. Metalloma-trichnye kompozicionnye materialy na osnove Al–SiC [Metalmatrix composite materials on the basis of Al–SiC] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 373–380.
16. Kablov E.N., Chibirkin V.V., Vdovin S.M. Izgotovlenie, svojstva i primenenie teplootvodjashhih osnovanij iz MMK Al–SiC v silovoj jelektronike i preobrazovatel'noj tehnike [Manufacturing, properties and application of the heat-removing bases from Al–SiC MMK in power electronics and converting equipment] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №2. S. 20–22.
An effect of filler material composition and conditions of heat treatment on mechanical properties, the level of residual stresses, structural features and the nature of fracture of welded joints of semiproducts (sheets and plates) from near α-titanium alloy made by automatic argon tungsten-arc welding and electron-beam welding was investigated. An influence of ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT) of welded joints on LCF characteristics was analyzed. It was established that UIT provides an improvement of fatigue characteristics more than 5 times.
2. Kablov E.N. Strategicheskie napravlenija razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda [The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 7–17.
3. Kablov E.N. Aviakosmicheskoe materialovedenie [Aerospace materials science] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2008. №3. S. 2–14.
4. Horev A.I. Fundamental'nye i prikladnye raboty po konstrukcionnym titanovym splavam i perspektivnye napravlenija ih razvitija [Fundamental and applied works on structural titanium alloys and perspective directions of their development] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 04 (
5. Horev A.I., Belov S.P., Glazunov S.G. Metallovedenie titana i ego splavov [Metallurgical science of titanium and its alloys]. M.: Metallurgija. 1992. 352 s.
6. Kashapov O.S., Novak A.V., Nochovnaja N.A., Pavlova T.V. Sostojanie, problemy i perspektivy sozdanija zharoprochnyh titanovyh splavov dlja detalej GTD [Condition, problems and perspectives of creation of heat resisting titanium alloys for GTD details] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №3. St. 02 (
7. Horev A.I. Razrabotka konstrukcionnyh titanovyh splavov dlja izgotovlenija detalej uzlov aviakosmicheskoj tehniki [Development of structural titanium alloys for manufacturing of details of nodes of aerospace equipment] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2009. №3. S. 13‒23.
8. Horev A.I. Nauchnye osnovy dostizhenija vysokoj i sverhvysokoj konstrukcionnoj prochnosti svarivaemyh titanovyh splavov [Scientific bases of achievement of high and ultrahigh constructional strength of welded titanium alloys] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2011. №9. S. 14‒26.
9. Inozemcev A.A., Bashkatov I.G., Korjakovcev A.S. Titanovye splavy v izdelijah razrabotki OAO «Aviadvigatel'» [Titanium alloys in products of development of JSC «Aviadvigatel»] /V kn. Sovremennye titanovye splavy i problemy ih razvitija: Sb. statej. M.: VIAM. 2010. S. 43–46.
10. Nochovnaja N.A., Ivanov V.I., Alekseev E.B., Kochetkov A.S. Puti optimizacii jekspluatacionnyh svojstv splavov na osnove intermetallidov titana [Ways of optimization of operational properties of alloys on the basis of titanium intermetallic compound] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 196–206.
11. Gorbovec M.A., Beljaev M.S., Hodinev I.A. Vlijanie jekspluatacionnoj temperatury na skorost' rosta treshhiny ustalosti v intermetallidnom titanovom splave [Influence of operational temperature on the growth rate of crack of fatigue in intermetallidny titanium alloy] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №3. S. 13–15.
12. Horev A.I. Povyshenie konstrukcionnoj prochnosti termicheski i termomehanicheski uprochnjaemyh titanovyh splavov [Increase of constructional durability thermally and thermomechanical strengthened titanium alloys] //Vestnik mashinostroenija. 2010. №5. S. 26‒34.
13. Horev A.I. Sozdanie teorii termicheskoj obrabotki i teksturnogo uprochnenija perspektivnyh titanovyh splavov [Creation of the theory of thermal processing and textural hardening of perspective titanium alloys] //Materialovedenie. 2009. №4. S. 28‒36.
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15. Kashapov O.S., Pavlova T.V., Nochovnaja N.A. Vlijanie rezhimov termicheskoj obrabotki na strukturu i svojstva zharoprochnogo titanovogo splava dlja lopatok KVD [Influence of modes of thermal processing on structure and property of heat resisting titanium alloy for KVD blades] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №2. S. 8–14.
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18. Panin V.E., Kablov E.N., Pleshanov V.S. i dr. Vlijanie ul'trazvukovoj udarnoj obrabotki na strukturu i soprotivlenie ustalosti svarnyh soedinenij vysokoprochnoj stali VKS-12 [Influence of ultrasonic shock processing on structure and resistance of fatigue of welded compounds of VKS-12 high-strength steel] //Fizicheskaja mezomehanika. 2006. T.9. №2. S. 85–96.
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The modes of electron beam, automatic and manual argon-arc welding of new corrosion-resistant steels hardened by various processes and filler materials were chosen; processing characteristics, mechanical properties and structures of welded joints were investigated. VNS-72 and VNS-73-Sh steels alloyed with carbon and nitrogen are superior to carbon-bearing alloys in the complex of mechanical and corrosion properties. Welded joints from VNS-72 steel are applied after full heat treatment of joints. Welding of parts from VNS-73-Sh steel is carried out both prior to strengthening heat treatment and in heat-treated state. Welding of VNS-63-Sh steel is carried out in the annealed state; besides heat treatment, welded products are subjected to cementation.
2. Kablov E.N. Sovremennye materialy – osnova innovacionnoj modernizacii Rossii [Modern materials – basis of innovative modernization of Russia] //Metally Evrazii. 2012. №3. S. 10–15.
3. Panin V.E., Kablov E.N., Pleshanov V.S. i dr. Vlijanie ul'trazvukovoj udarnoj obrabotki na strukturu i soprotivlenie ustalosti svarnyh soedinenij vysokoprochnoj stali VKS-12 [Influence of ultrasonic shock processing on structure and resistance of fatigue of welded compounds of VKS-12 high-strength steel] //Fizicheskaja mezomehanika. 2006. T. 9. №2. S. 85–96.
4. Kablov E.N. Shestoj tehnologicheskij uklad [Sixth technological way] //Nauka i zhizn'. 2010. №4. S. 2–7.
5. Tonysheva O.A., Voznesenskaja N.M., Shal'kevich A.B., Petrakov A.F. Issledovanie vlijanija vysokotemperaturnoj termomehanicheskoj obrabotki na strukturu, tehnologicheskie, mehanicheskie i korrozionnye svojstva vysokoprochnoj korrozionnostojkoj stali perehodnogo klassa s povyshennym soderzhaniem azota [Research of influence of high-temperature thermomechanical processing on structure, technological, mechanical and corrosion properties of high-strength corrosion-resistant steel of transitional class with the raised content of nitrogen] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №3. S. 31–36.
6. Orlov M.R., Ospennikova O.G., Gromov V.I. Razvitie mehanizmov vodorodnoj i bejnitnoj hrupkosti konstrukcionnoj stali v processe jekspluatacii krupnogabaritnyh konstrukcij [Development of mechanisms of hydrogen and bainitic embrittlement of structural steel in use large-size designs] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 88–93.
7. Tonysheva O.A., Voznesenskaja N.M. Perspektivnye vysokoprochnye korrozionnostojkie stali, legirovannye azotom (sravnitel'nyj analiz) [Perspective high-strength corrosion-resistant became, alloyed by nitrogen (the comparative analysis)] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2014. №3. S. 27–32.
8. Lukin V.I., Banas I.P., Koval'chuk V.G., Golev E.V. Argono-dugovaja svarka vysokoprochnoj cementuemoj stali VNS-63 [Argon-arc welding of high-strength VNS-63 tsementuyemy steel] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №8. St. 01 (
9. Zhukov A.A., Navoev A.P. Opredelenie modulja uprugosti cementovannogo sloja [Definition of elastic modulus of tsementovanny layer] //Uprochnjajushhie tehnologii i pokrytija. 2012. №5. S. 37–40.
10. Tarasenko L.V., Pahomova S.A., Unchikova M.V., Gerasimov S.A. Materialovedenie [Materials science]. M.: INFRA-M. 2012. 474 s.
11. Lukin V.I., Voznesenskaja N.M., Koval'chuk V.G. i dr. Svarka vysokoprochnoj korrozionno-stojkoj stali VNS-72 [Welding of high-strength VNS-72 anticorrosion steel] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2012. №10. S. 31–35.
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13. Matjunin V.M. Metallovedenie v teplojenergetike [Metallurgical science in heat-and-power engineeering]: Uchebnoe posobie. M.: Izdatel'skij dom MJeI. 2008. 328 s.
14. Lashhenko G.I. Tendencija razvitija tehnologij svarochnogo proizvodstva [Tendency of development of technologies of welding production] //Svarshhik. 2011. №6. S. 6–11.
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16. Shmotin Ju.N., Starkov R.Ju., Danilov D.V., Ospennikova O.G., Lomberg B.S. Novye materialy dlja perspektivnogo dvigatelja OAO «NPO „SATURN”» [New materials for the perspective engine of JSC «NPO „Saturn”»] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №2. S. 6–8.
A review of state-of-the art scientific literature dedicated to synthesis and investigation of glass enamel coatings for protection of stainless steels against gas corrosion is presented. The results of investigations performed currently and the ways of enhancing the resistance properties and service life of products are shown. The compositions of advanced coatings under investigation providing better properties are given. The experience of VIAM to synthesize heat-resistant glass enamel coatings providing an effective long-term operation of parts made of nickel alloys and stainless steels at high operation temperatures was demonstrated.
2. Kablov E.N., Solncev S.S., Rozenenkova V.A., Mironova N.A. Sovremennye polifunkcional'nye vysokotemperaturnye pokrytija dlja nikelevyh splavov, uplotnitel'nyh metallicheskih voloknistyh materialov i berillievyh splavov [Modern multifunctional high temperature coatings for nickel alloys, sealing metal fibrous materials and beryllium alloys] //Novosti materialovedenija. Nauka i tehnika. 2013. №1 (
3. Kablov E.N., Grashhenkov D.V., Isaeva N.V., Solncev S.S., Sevast'janov V.G. Perspektivnye vysokotemperaturnye keramicheskie kompozicionnye materialy [Perspective high-temperature ceramic composite materials] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 20–24.
4. Solncev S.S. Vysokotemperaturnye steklokeramicheskie materialy i pokrytija – perspektivnoe napravlenie aviacionnogo materialovedenija [High-temperature steklokeramichesky materials and coverings – the perspective direction of aviation materials science] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2009. №1. S. 26–37.
5. Kablov E.N., Kondrashov S.V., Jurkov G.Ju. Perspektivy ispol'zovanija ugle-rodsoderzhashhih nanochastic v svjazujushhih dlja polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov [Perspectives of use of carbon-containing nanoparticles in binding for polymeric composite materials] //Rossijskie nanotehnologii. 2013. T. 8. №3–4. S. 24–42.
6. Solncev S.S. Zashhitnye tehnologicheskie pokrytija i tugoplavkie jemali [Protective technological coverings and high-melting enamels]. M.: Mashinostroe-nie. 1984. 256 s.
7. Denisova V.S., Solov'eva G.A., Orlova L.A. Sintez resursnyh zharostojkih jemalevyh pokrytij na osnove stekol barialjumosilikatnoj sistemy dlja nikelevyh splavov [Synthesis of resource heat resisting enamel coatings on the basis of glasses of barialyumosilikatny system for nickel alloys] //Uspehi v himii i himicheskoj tehnologii. 2014. T. 28. №8 (157). S. 39–42.
8. Solncev S.S., Shvagireva V.V., Isaeva N.V., Solov'eva G.A. Armirovannye zharostojkie steklojemali dlja kamer sgoranija gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Reinforced heat resisting stekloemali for combustion tubes of gas turbine engines] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №1. S. 26–29.
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12. Shan X., Wei L.Q., Liu P. et al. Influence of CoO glass–ceramic coating on the anti-oxidation behavior and thermal shock resistance of 200 stainless steel at elevated temperature //Ceramics International. 2014 (в печати).
13. Senol Yilmaz, Gunhan Bayrak, Saduman Sen, Ugur Sen. Structural characterization of basalt-based glass–ceramic coatings //Materials and Design. 2006. V. 27. P. 1092–1096.
14. Ediz Ercenk, Ugur Sen, Senol Yilmaz. The erosive wear behavior of basalt based glass and glass–ceramic coatings //Tribology International. 2012. V. 52. P. 94–100.
15. Solncev S.S., Isaeva N.V., Shvagireva V.V., Solov'eva G.A. Vysokotemperaturnye zharostojkie jemalevye pokrytija dlja zashhity ot korrozionnogo vozdejstvija produktov sgoranija topliva teplonagruzhennyh jelementov iz korrozionnostojkih stalej i zharoprochnyh splavov [High-temperature heat resisting enamel coatings for protection against corrosive attack of combustion products of fuel of heatterminated elements from corrosion-resistant staly and hot strength alloys] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2008. №4. S 16–18.
16. Solncev S.St., Shvagireva V.V., Isaeva N.V., Solov'eva G.A. Zharostojkoe pokrytie dlja zashhity vysokoprochnyh slozhnolegirovannyh nikelevyh splavov ot vysokotemperaturnoj gazovoj korrozii [Heat resisting covering for protection of high-strength complex-alloyed nickel alloys against high-temperature gas corrosion] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №6. St. 04 (
17. Solncev St.S., Rozenenkova V.A., Mironova N.A., Solov'eva G.A. Vysokotemperaturnye pokrytija dlja voloknistyh substratov [High temperature coatings for fibrous substrates] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №10. St. 03 (
18. Solncev S.St., Shvagireva V.V., Isaeva N.V., Solov'eva G.A. Mnogocelevoe steklojemalevoe pokrytie dlja zashhity lityh fasonnyh detalej gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Multi-purpose stekloe-malevy covering for protection of cast shaped details of gas turbine engines] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №3. St. 04 (
19. Solncev S.S. Vysokotemperaturnye kompozicionnye materialy i pokrytija na osnove stekla i keramiki [High-temperature composite materials and coverings on the basis of glass and ceramics] /V kn. 75 let. Aviacionnye materialy. Izbrannye trudy «VIAM» 1932–2007: Jubilejnyj nauch.-tehnich. sb.; Pod obshh. red. E.N. Kablova. M.: VIAM. 2007. S. 90–99.
20. Solncev S.S., Rozenenkova V.A., Mironova N.A. Vysokotemperaturnye steklokeramicheskie pokrytija i kompozicionnye materialy [High-temperature steklokeramichesky coverings and composite materials] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 359–368.
21. Minghui Chen, Wenbo Li, Mingli Shen et al. Glass-ceramic coating on titanium alloys for high temperature oxidation protection: Oxidation kinetics and microsctucture //Corrosion Science. 2013. V. 74. P. 178–186.
22. Zinqi Xiao, Fatang Tan, Wei Wang et al. Oxidation protection of Ti–6Al–4V alloy using a novel glass-amorphous silica composite coating //Ceramics International. 2014. V. 40. P. 3503–3509.
23. Wenbo Li, Minghui Chen, Mingyu Wu et al. Microstructure and oxidation behavior of a SiC–Al2O3–glass composite coating on Ti–47Al–2Cr–2Nb alloy //Corrosion Science. 2014. V. 87. P. 179–186.
24. Wenbo Li, Minghui Chen, Cheng Wang et al. Preparation and oxidation behavior of SiO2–Al2O3–glass composite coating on Ti–47Al–2Cr–2Nb alloy //Surface & Coatings Technology. 2013. V. 218. P. 30–38.
The results of rheological investigations of alumina-based slurries are presented in the present article. It was considered that the mutually attractive forces appear between solid phase particles in suspensions providing formation of interconnections between the particles. The ranges for ratios between solid phase (sintered powders) and liquid phase (technological binding agent) were determined experimentally for slurries, when coagulation contacts and direct contacts between solid phase particles appear in the slurries.
2. Buntushkin V.P., Kablov E.N., Bazyleva O.A., Morozova G.I. Splavy na osnove aljuminidov nikelja [Alloys on the basis of nickel aluminides] //MiTOM. 1999. №1. S. 32–34.
3. Kablov E.N., Petrushin N.V., Svetlov I.L., Demonis I.M. Nikelevye litejnye zharoprochnye splavy novogo pokolenija [Nickel foundry hot strength alloys of new generation] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 36–52.
4. Aminzare M., Mazaheri M., Golestanifard F., Rezaie H.R., Ajeian R. Sintering behavior of nano alumina powder shaped by pressure filtration //Ceramics International. 2011. №37. P. 9–14.
5. Keramicheskij fil'tr, soderzhashhij uglerodnoe pokrytie, i sposob ego izgotovlenija [The ceramic filter containing carbon covering, and way of its manufacturing]: pat. 2456056 Ros. Federacija; zajavl. 28.01.2008; opubl. 20.07.2012 Bjul. №20. 15 s.
6. Yang W., Jiang B., Wang A., Shi H. Effect of Negatively Charged Ions on the Formation of Microarc Oxidation Coating on 2024 Aluminium Alloy //Journal of Material Science and Technology. 2012. № 28 (8). P. 707–712.
7. Keramicheskij fil'tr, soderzhashhij uglerodnoe pokrytie, i sposob ego izgotovlenija [The ceramic filter containing carbon covering, and way of its manufacturing]: pat. 2456056 Ros. Federacija; zajavl. 28.01.2008; opubl. 20.07.2012 Bjul. №20. 15 s.
8. Vogt U.F., Gorbar M., Dimopoulos-Eggenschwiler P., Broenstrup A., Wagner G., Colombod P. Improving the properties of ceramic foams by a vacuum infiltration process //Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2010. № 30. P. 3005–3011.
9. Himicheskaja tehnologija keramiki: Uch. posobie dlja vuzov [Chemical technology of ceramics] /Pod red. I.Ja. Guzmana. M.: OOO RIF Strojmaterialy. 2003. 496 s.
10. Anciferov V.N. Problemy poroshkovogo materialovedenija [Problems of powder materials science]. Chast' II. Ekaterinburg: UrO RAN. 2002. 263 s.
11. Kablov E.N. Korrozija ili zhizn' [Corrosion or life] //Nauka i zhizn'. 2012. №11. S. 16–21.
12. Kablov E.N., Shhetanov B.V., Ivahnenko Ju.A., Balinova Ju.A. Perspektivnye armirujushhie vysokotemperaturnye volokna dlja metallicheskih i keramicheskih kompozicionnyh materialov [Perspective reinforcing high-temperature fibers for metal and ceramic composite materials] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 05 (
13. Sandoval M.L., Camerucci M.A. Foaming performance of aqueous albumin and mullite-albumin systems used in cellular ceramic processing //Ceramics International. 2014. №40. P. 1675–1686.
14. Magnani G., Brentari A., Burresi E., Raiteri G. Pressureless sintered silicon carbide with enhanced mechanical properties obtained by the two-step sintering method //Ceramics International. 2014. № 40. P. 1759–1763.
15. Shhukin E.D., Percov A.V., Amelina E.A. Kolloidnaja himija [Colloid chemistry]. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Vysshaja shkola. 2004. 445 s.
16. Praktikum i zadachnik po kolloidnoj himii [Workshop and the book of problems on colloid chemistry] /Pod red. V.V. Nazarova, A.S. Grodskogo. M.: Akademkniga. 2007. 374 s.
17. Otto M. Sovremennye metody analiticheskoj himii [Modern methods of analytical chemistry]. 2-e izd. M.: Tehnosfera. 2006. 416 s.
18. Frolov Ju.G. Kurs kolloidnoj himii. Poverhnostnye javlenija i dispersnye sistemy [Course of colloid chemistry. Surface phenomena and disperse systems]. 2-e izd. M.: Himija. 1989. 464 s.
19. Kirienko T.A., Balinova Ju.A. Vlijanie atmosfernoj vlazhnosti na reologiju tonkih sloev koncentrirovannyh vodnyh rastvorov sistemy «neorganicheskie soli–organicheskij polimer» [Influence of atmospheric humidity on rheology of thin coats of the concentrated aqueous solutions of system «inorganic salts-organic polymers»] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2014. №2. S. 56–58.
20. Shhetanov B.V., Balinova Ju.A., Ljuljukina G.Ju., Solov'eva E.P. Struktura i svojstva nepreryvnyh polikristallicheskih volokon α-Al2O3 [Structure and properties of continuous polycrystalline fibers α-Al2O3] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №1. S. 13–17.
21. Kirienko T.A., Balinova Ju.A. Fiziko-himicheskie svojstva mnogokomponentnyh rastvorov dlja keramicheskih materialov, soderzhashhih polivinilovyj spirt [Physical and chemical properties of multicomponent solutions for the ceramic materials containing polyvinyl alcohol] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2014. №1. S. 34–38.
22. Uvarova N.E., Grashhenkov D.V., Isaeva N.V., Orlova L.A., Sarkisov P.D. Vysokotempera-turnye radioprozrachnye materialy: segodnja i zavtra [High-temperature radio transparent materials: today and tomorrow] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №1. S. 16–21.
23. Tehnologija stekla [The technology has flown down] /Pod red. I.I. Kitajgorodskogo. 3-e izd. M.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'-stvo literatury po stroitel'stvu, arhitekture i stroitel'nym materialam. 1961. S. 517.
The distribution of thickness and properties (transmission coefficient, surface resistance) of an ITO coating fabricated by the reactive magnetron deposition on a polymer film using a sectionalized reactive gas feed system was investigated. It was shown that the uniformity of coating thickness and properties can be enhanced by optimizing the oxygen flow rate through different sections of the gas feed system.
2. Kablov E.N. Materialy i himicheskie tehnologii dlja aviacionnoj tehniki [Materials and chemical technologies for aviation engineering] //Vestnik Ros-sijskoj akademii nauk. 2012. T. 82. №6. S. 520–530.
3. Kablov E.N. Shestoj tehnologicheskij uklad [Sixth technological way] //Nauka i zhizn'. 2010. №4. S. 2–7.
4. Kablov E.N. Aviakosmicheskoe materialovedenie [Aerospace materials science] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2008. №3. S. 2–14.
5. Kablov E.N. Aviacionnoe materialovedenie v XXI veke. Perspektivy i zadachi [Aviation materials science in the XXI century. Perspectives and tasks] /V kn. Aviacionnye materialy. Izbrannye trudy «VIAM» 1932–2002. M.: MISiS–VIAM. 2002. S. 23–47.
6. Davydova I.F., Kablov E.N., Kavun N.S. Termostojkie negopjuchie poliimidnye steklotekstolity dlja izdelij aviacionnoj i paketnoj tehniki [Heat-resistant nonflammable polyimide glass fiber laminate for products of aviation and rocket engineering] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2009. №7. S. 2–11.
7. Bogatov V.A., Kondrashov S.V., Hohlov Ju.A. Mnogofunkcional'nye opticheskie pokrytija i materialy [Multifunction optical coatings and materials] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 343–348.
8. Kisljakov P.P., Hohlov Ju.A., Krynin A.G., Kondrashov S.V. Poluchenie i primenenie polimernoj plenki s prozrachnym jelektroprovodjashhim pokrytiem na osnove oksida indija, legirovannogo olovom [Receiving and application of polymer film with transparent electroconducting coating on the basis of the indium oxide alloyed by tin] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №11. St. 06 (
9. Krynin A.G., Hohlov Ju.A., Bogatov V.A., Kisljakov P.P. Prozrachnye interferencionnye pokrytija dlja funkcional'nyh materialov osteklenija [Transparent interferential coatings for functional materials of glazing] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №11. St. 05 (
10. Bogatov V.A., Hohlov Ju.A. Mnogofunkcional'nye opticheskie pokrytija, poluchaemye metodami plazmennoj tehnologii, i sposoby kontrolja ih optiko-fizicheskih harakteristik [The multifunction optical coatings received by methods of plasma technology, and ways of control of their optiko-physical characteristics] /V sb. Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. Vyp. «Metody ispytanij i kontrolja kachestva metallicheskih i nemetallicheskih materialov». M.: VIAM. 2001. S. 93–99.
11. Kuz'michev A.I. Magnetronnye raspylitel'nye sistemy. Kn. 1. Vvedenie v fiziku i tehniku magnetronnogo raspylenija [Magnetronnye spraying systems. Book 1. Introduction in physics and equipment of magnetron sputtering]. K.: Avers. 2008. 244 s.
12. Komlev A.E., Shapovalov V.I., Shutova N.S. Magnetronnyj razrjad v srede argona i kisloroda pri osazhdenii plenki oksida titana [Magnetronny discharge in the environment of argon and oxygen at titanium oxide film deposition] //ZhTF. 2012. T. 82. №7. S. 134–136.
13. Bogatov V.A., Kondrashov S.V., Hohlov Ju.A. Poluchenie gradientnogo pokrytija oksinitrida aljuminija metodom reaktivnogo magnetronnogo raspylenija [Receiving gradient covering oksinitrida aluminum method of reactive magnetron sputtering] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №3. S. 19–21.
14. Kurdesau F., Khripunov G., da Cunha A.F. et al. Comparative study of ITO layers deposited by DC and RF magnetron sputtering at room temperature //Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2006. V. 352. №19–20. P. 1466–1470.
15. Marchenko V.A. Processy na poverhnosti misheni pri reaktivnom raspylenii V v Ar–O2 sredah [Processes on target surface at reactive spraying of V in Ar–O2 Wednesdays] //Izvestija RAN. Serija fizicheskaja. 2009. T. 73. №7. S. 920–923.
16. Hohlov Ju.A., Krynin A.G., Bogatov V.A., Kisljakov P.P. Opticheskie konstanty tonkih plenok oksida indija, legirovannogo olovom, osazhdennyh na polijetilentereftalatnuju plenku metodom reaktivnogo magnetronnogo raspylenija (blizhnjaja infrakrasnaja oblast' spektra) [Optical constants of thin films of the indium oxide alloyed by tin, besieged on polietilentereftalatny film method of reactive magnetron sputtering (near infrared region of range)] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №1. S. 24–28.
17. Hohlov Ju.A., Bogatov V.A., Berezin N.M. Stabilizacija reaktivnogo magnetronnogo osazhdenija magnitnym polem [Stabilization of reactive magnetronny sedimentation by magnetic field] //Fizika i himija obrabotki materialov. 2012. №5. S. 46–50.
18. Hohlov Ju.A., Berezin N.M., Bogatov V.A., Krynin A.G. Reaktivnoe magnetronnoe osa-zhdenie oksida indija, legirovannogo olovom, s kontrolem rabochego davlenija [Reactive magnetronny sedimentation of the indium oxide alloyed by tin, with control of working pressure] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015 (v pechati).
19. Hohlov Ju.A., Berezin N.M., Bogatov V.A., Krynin A.G. Kontrol' reaktivnogo osazhdenija ITO pokrytija po jemissionnomu spektru plazmy magnetronnogo razrjada [Control of reactive sedimentation of ITO of covering on emission spectrum of plasma of magnetronny discharge] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015 (v pechati).
20. Hohlov Ju.A., Bogatov V.A., Krynin A.G. Vlijanie raspredelenija magnitnogo polja na svojstva ITO pokrytija, poluchaemogo na polimernoj plenke metodom reaktivnogo magnetronnogo osazhdenija [Influence of distribution of magnetic field on ITO properties of the covering received on polymer film by method of reactive magnetronny sedimentation] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №12. St. 11 (
21. Bogatov V.A., Hohlov Ju.A., Sytyj Ju.V., Zhadova N.S. Vlijanie obrabotki v razrjade s za-mknutym drejfom jelektronov na adgezionnye svojstva i prochnost' kleevyh soedinenij polimerov [Processing influence in discharge with the closed drift of electrons on adhesive properties and durability of glued joints of polymers] //Klei. Germetiki. Tehnologii. 2011. №9. S. 27–31.
22. Krylova T.N. Interferencionnye pokrytija [Interferential coverings]. L.: Mashinostroenie. 1973. 224 s.
23. Krynin A.G., Hohlov Ju.A. Opticheskie harakteristiki termostabilizirovannoj polijetilen-tereftalatnoj plenki, ispol'zuemoj dlja funkcional'nyh materialov osteklenija [Optical characteristics of the thermostabilized polietilentereftalatny film used for functional materials of glazing] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №4. S. 31–34.
24. Tehnologija tonkih plenok [Technology of thin films] /Pod red. L. Majssela, R. Glenga. M.: Sovetskoe radio. 1977. S. 305–344.
Some features of foamed polymer materials based on structure-purposed polyimides are considered in the article. Comparison of domestic foamed materials with their foreign analogues is also provided in the article to illustrate the possibility of their usage in the resource- and energy saving technology for production of three-layer sandwich panels. Existing processes for machining of the foamed material materials are described in the article in comparison with the offered device. Description of its structure and main advantages at machining of foamed polymers is given as well.
2. Kablov E.N. Sovremennye materialy – osnova innovacionnoj modernizacii Rossii [Modern materials – basis of innovative modernization of Russia] //Metally Evrazii. 2012. №3. S. 10–15.
3. Kablov E.N. Himija v aviacionnom materialovedenii [Chemistry in aviation materials science] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 3–4.
4. Kablov E.N. Razrabotki VIAM dlja gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej i ustanovok [Development of VIAM for gas turbine engines and installations] //Kryl'ja Rodiny. 2010. №4. S. 31–33.
5. Kablov E.N., Solntsev S.S., Rozenenkova V.A., Mironova N.A. Composite glass-metal coatings for protecting beryllium at high temperatures //Glass and Ceramics. 2012. P. 1–4.
6. Fizicheskie i himicheskie processy pri pererabotke polimerov [Physical and chemical processes when processing polymers]. SPb: Nauchnye osnovy i tehnologii. 2013. 314 s.
7. Bejder Je.Ja., Petrova G.N., Izotova T.F., Barbot'ko S.L. Stekloplastiki na termoplastichnoj matrice [Fibreglasses on thermoflexible matrix] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №7. St. 03 (
8. Doroshenko N.I., Chursova L.V. Jevoljucija materialov dlja lopastej vertoletov [Evolution of materials for blades of helicopters] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №2. S. 16–18.
9. Bejder Je.Ja., Gureeva E.V., Petrova G.N. Penopoliimidy [Penopoliimida] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2012. №6. S. 2–8.
10. Bejder Je.Ja., Petrova G.N., Izotova T.F., Gureeva E.V. Kompozicionnye termoplastichnye materialy i penopoliimidy [Composite thermoflexible materials and penopoliimidy] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №11. St. 01 (
11. Bejder Je.Ja., Petrova G.N., Malyshenok S.V. Kompozicionnye termoplastichnye materialy – svojstva i sposoby pererabotki [Composite thermoflexible materials – properties and ways of processing] //Plasticheskie massy. 2013. №7. S. 56–60.
12. Petrova G.N., Bejder Je.Ja., Izotova T.F., Malyshenok S.V. Kompozicionnye termoplastichnye materialy – sposoby poluchenija i pererabotki [Composite thermoflexible materials – ways of receiving and processing] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedi-cheskij spravochnik. 2013. №10. S. 10–17.
13. Petrova G.N., Rumjanceva T.V., Bejder Je.Ja. Vlijanie modificirujushhih dobavok na pozharobezopasnye svojstva i tehnologichnost' polikarbonata [Influence of modifying additives on fireproof properties and technological effectiveness of polycarbonate] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №6. St. 06 (
14. Antjufeeva N.V., Aleksashin V.M., Stoljankov Ju.V. Sovremennoe metodicheskoe obespechenie termoanaliticheskih issledovanij polimernyh kompozitov i prepergov [Modern methodical ensuring thermoanalytical researches of polymeric composites and prepergov] //Kompozity i nanostruktury. 2014. T. 6. №3. S. 176–184.
15. Stoljankov Ju.V., Ishodzhanova I.V., Antjufeeva N.V. K voprosu o defektah obrazcov dlja ispytanij ugleplastikov [To question of defects of test pieces ugleplastikov] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №10. St. 10 (
16. Ustrojstvo dlja mehanicheskoj obrabotki vspenennyh polimernyh materialovm [The device for machining of frothed polymeric materials]: pat. №145916 Ros. Federacija; opubl. 27.09.2014.
A rapid increase in the portion of polymer composite materials (PCM) in structures of civil aircraft occurred in the 2000-s, allowed to increase significantly reliability and service life of aviation equipment and to reduce its weight. However, there was a vital problem to reduce the cost of PCM structures, which always were more expensive than similar parts made of metal. In many ways, the high cost of PCM products depends on high labor- and power consumption of autoclave technology, which at present is most widely used in the aircraft industry, as well as by high costs of relevant equipment. In recent years, VIAM actively develops the out-of-autoclave production of PCM parts. The results of the works performed by VIAM to develop PCM-based woven fillers produced by impregnation with film binder are described. Comparative elastic-strength characteristics of the produced carbon fiber-reinforced plastic are given.
2. Dushin M.I., Hrul'kov A.V., Platonov A.A., Ahmadieva K.R. Bezavtoklavnoe formovanie ugleplastikov na osnove prepregov, poluchennyh po rastvornoj tehnologii [Bezavtoklavnoye formation ugleplastikov on the basis of the prepregs received on solution technology] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №2. S. 43–48.
3. Hrul'kov A.V., Dushin M.I., Popov Ju.O., Kogan D.I. Issledovanija i razrabotka avtoklavnyh i bezavtoklavnyh tehnologij formovanija PKM [Researches and development of avtoklavny and bezavtoklavny technologies of formation of PKM] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 292–301.
4. Chursova L.V., Dushin M.I., Kogan D.I., Panina N.N., Kim M.A., Gurevich Ja.M., Platonov A.A. Plenochnye svjazujushhie dlja RFI-tehnologii [Film binding for RFI technology] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. №1. S. 63–66.
5. Babin A.N. Svjazujushhie dlja polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov novogo pokolenija [Binding for polymeric composite materials of new generation] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №4 (
6. Postnova M.V., Postnov V.I. Opyt razvitija bezavtoklavnyh metodov formovanija PKM [Experience of development of bezavtoklavny methods of formation of PKM] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №4. St. 06 (
7. Sposob poluchenija kompozicionnogo materiala [Way of receiving composite material]: pat. №2246379 Ros. Federacija; opubl. 25.02.2004.
8. Kablov E.N., Starcev O.V., Krotov A.S., Kirillov V.N. Klimaticheskoe starenie kompozicionnyh materialov aviacionnogo naznachenija. I. Mehanizmy starenija [Climatic aging of composite materials of aviation assignment. I. Aging mechanisms] //Deformacija i razrushenie materialov. 2010. №11. S. 19–27.
9. Kablov E.N., Starcev O.V., Krotov A.S., Kirillov V.N. Klimaticheskoe starenie kompozicionnyh materialov aviacionnogo naznachenija. III. Znachimye faktory starenija [Climatic aging of composite materials of aviation assignment. III. Significant factors of aging] //Deformacija i razrushenie materialov. 2011. №1. S. 34–40.
10. Kirillov V.N., Starcev O.V., Efimov V.A. Klimaticheskaja stojkost' i povrezhdaemost' polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov, problemy i puti reshenija [Climatic firmness and damageability of polymeric composite materials, problems and solutions] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 412–423.
11. Meljohina M.I., Kavun N.S., Rakitina V.P. Jepoksidnye stekloplastiki s uluchshennoj vlago- i vodostojkost'ju [Epoxy fibreglasses with improved vlago-and water resistance] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №2. S. 29–31.
12. Dushin M.I., Muhametov R.R., Platonov A.A., Merkulova Ju.I. Issledovanie fil'tracionnyh harakteristik armirujushhih napolnitelej i svjazujushhih pri razrabotke tehnologii bezavtoklavnogo formovanija polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov [Research of filtrational characteristics of reinforcing fillers and binding when developing technology of bezavtoklavny formation of polymeric composite materials] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №2. S. 22–25.
13. Platonov A.A., Kogan D.I., Dushin M.I. Izgotovlenie trehmernoarmirovannyh PKM metodom propitki plenochnym svjazujushhim [Manufacturing of trekhmernoarmirovanny PKM by method of impregnation by the film binding] //Plasticheskie massy. 2013. №12. S. 56–61.
A possibility of determination of niobium content in VPr17 solder, which is used for flame soldering of thin-walled piping from 12X18H9T steel and other complex-alloyed steels was described. Weldability and solderability, as one of the indices of the physical properties of the material, are a function of its composition in terms of main alloying components and impurity elements. In this regard, it is necessary to regulate the chemical composition of different solders and to control strictly the content of chemical elements in their composition. In this work, we have developed a method for determination of niobium content in VPr17 solder within the concentration range of 0.5–1% mass.
2. Kablov E.N. Innovacionnye razrabotki FGUP «VIAM» GNC RF po realizacii «Strategicheskih napravlenij razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda» [Innovative development of VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise of GNTs Russian Federation on implementation «The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №1 (34). S. 3–33.
3. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A. Zharostojkie i teplozashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok turbiny vysokogo davlenija perspektivnyh GTD [Heat resisting and heat-protective coverings for turbine blades of high pressure of perspective GTD] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 60–70.
4. Kablov E.N., Bondarenko Ju.A., Echin A.B., Surova V.A. Razvitie processa napravlennoj kristallizacii lopatok GTD iz zharoprochnyh splavov s monokristallicheskoj i kompozicionnoj strukturoj [Development of process of the directed crystallization of blades of GTD from hot strength alloys with single-crystal and composition structure] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №1. S. 3–8.
5. Lukin V.I., Ryl'nikov V.S., Afanas'ev-Hodykin A.N. Osobennosti poluchenija pajanyh soedinenij iz splava ZhS36 [Features of receiving sweated connections from alloy ЖС36] //Tehnologija mashinostroenija. 2010. №5. S. 21–25.
6. Lukin V.I., Ryl'nikov V.S., Afanas'ev-Hodykin A.N., Orehov N.G. Osobennosti pajki monokristallicheskih otlivok iz splava ZhS32 [Features of the soldering of single-crystal otlivka from alloy ЖС32] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2012. №5. S. 24–30.
7. Lukin V.I., Koval'chuk V.G., Samorukov M.L., Gridnev Ju.M. Issledovanie vlijanija tehnologii rotacionnoj svarki treniem deformiruemogo zharoprochnogo nikelevogo splava VZh175 na strukturu i prochnostnye harakteristiki svarnyh soedinenij [Research of influence of technology of rotational friction bonding of deformable heat resisting VZh175 nickel alloy on structure and strength characteristics of welded connections] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 114–121.
8. Sorokin L.I. Svarivaemost' zharoprochnyh splavov, primenjaemyh v aviacionnyh gazoturbinnyh dvigateljah [Bondability of the hot strength alloys applied in aviation gas turbine engines] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 1997. №4. S. 4–11.
9. Lukin V.I., Sorokin L.I., Bagdasarov Ju.S. Svarivaemost' litejnyh zharoprochnyh nikelevyh splavov tipa ZhS6M [Bondability of cast heat resisting nickel alloys of the ZhS6M type] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 1997. №6. S. 12–17.
10. Lukin V.I., Semenov V.N., Starova L.L. i dr. Obrazovanie gorjachih treshhin pri svarke zharoprochnyh splavov [Formation of hot cracks when welding hot strength alloys] //MiTOM. 2007. №12. S. 7–14.
11. Horunov V.F., Maksimova S.V. Pajka zharoprochnyh splavov na sovremennom jetape [The soldering of hot strength alloys at the present stage] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2010. №10. S. 24–27.
12. Ryl'nikov V.S. Voprosy po pajke, reshennye v processe izgotovlenija izdelija «Buran» [Questions according to the soldering, the products «Buran» solved in the course of manufacturing] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №S1. S. 33–34.
13. Lukin V.I., Banas I.P., Koval'chuk V.G., Golev E.V. Argono-dugovaja svarka vyso-koprochnoj cementuemoj stali VNS-63 [Argon-arc welding of high-strength VNS-63 tsementuyemy steel] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №8. St. 01 (
14. Afanas'ev-Hodykin A.N., Lukin V.I., Ryl'nikov V.S. Vysokotehnologichnye polufabrikaty zharoprochnyh pripoev (lenty i pasty na organicheskom svjazujushhem) [Hi-tech semi-finished products of heat resisting solders (tape and paste on organic binding)] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №9. St. 02 (
15. Ryl'nikov V.S., Afanas'ev-Hodykin A.N., Galushka I.A. Tehnologija pajki konstrukcii tipa «blisk» iz raznoimennyh splavov [Technology of the soldering of design of the «blisk» type from heteronymic alloys] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №10. St. 02 (
16. Kablov E.N., Evgenov A.G., Ryl'nikov V.S., Afanas'ev-Hodykin A.N. Issledovanie melkodispersnyh poroshkov pripoev dlja diffuzionnoj vakuumnoj pajki, poluchennyh metodom atomizacii rasplava [Research of finely divided powders of solders for the diffusion vacuum soldering, received by atomizatsiya method rasplava] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 79–87.
17. Ryl'nikov V.S., Afanas'ev-Hodykin A.N., Krasikov M.I. Issledovanie remontnoj tehnologii ispravlenija defektov pajanyh soedinenij toplivnyh kollektorov [Research of repair technology of correction of defects of sweated connections of fuel manifolds] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №12. St. 02 (
The development of high-temperature structural materials means determination of their strength properties at operation temperatures. The decisions of the main problems of mechanical tests of specimens made from Nb-based matrix composite materials (CM) at 1300–1400°С are described in this work.
2. Kablov E.N., Shhetanov B.V., Ivahnenko Ju.A., Balinova Ju.A. Perspektivnye armirujushhie vysokotemperaturnye volokna dlja metallicheskih i keramicheskih kompozicionnyh materialov [Perspective reinforcing high-temperature fibers for metal and ceramic composite materials] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 05 (
3. Kablov E.N., Grashhenkov D.V., Isaeva N.V., Solncev S.S. Perspektivnye vysokotemperaturnye keramicheskie kompozicionnye materialy [Perspective high-temperature ceramic composite materials] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 20–24.
4. Kablov E.N., Kondrashov S.V., Jurkov G.Ju. Perspektivy ispol'zovanija uglerodsoderzhashhih nanochastic v svjazujushhih dlja polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov [Perspectives of use of carbon-containing nanoparticles in binding for polymeric composite materials] //Rossijskie nanotehnologii. 2013. T. 8. №3–4. S. 24–42.
5. Gunjaev G.M., Kablov E.N., Aleksashin V.M. Modificirovanie konstrukcionnyh ugleplastikov uglerodnymi nanochasticami [Modifying constructional ugleplastikov carbon nanoparticles] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 5–11.
6. Kablov E.N., Shhetanov B.V., Grashhenkov D.V., Shavnev A.A., Njafkin A.N. Metallomatrichnye kompozicionnye materialy na osnove Al–SiC [Metalmatrix composite materials on the basis of Al–SiC] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 373–380.
7. Varrik N.M., Ivahnenko Ju.A., Maksimov V.G. Oksid-oksidnye kompozicionnye materialy dlja gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej (obzor) [Oksid-oksidnye composite materials for gas turbine engines (review)] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №8. St. 03 (
8. Shhetanov B.V., Strjukov D.O., Kolyshev S.G., Murasheva V.V. Monokristallicheskie volokna oksida aljuminija: poluchenie, struktura, svojstva [Single-crystal fibers of aluminum oxide: receiving, structure, properties] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2014. №4. S. 14–18.
9. Kablov E.N., Svetlov I.L., Efimochkin I.Ju. Vysokotemperaturnye Nb–Si-kompozity [High-temperature Nb-Si-composites] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 164–173.
10. Grashhenkov D.V., Shhetanov B.V., Efimochkin I.Ju. Razvitie poroshkovoj metallurgii zha-roprochnyh materialov [Development of powder metallurgy of heat resisting materials] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2011. №5. S. 13–26, №6. S. 10–22.
11. Maksimov V.G., Basargin O.V., Shheglova T.M., Nikitina V.Ju. O projavlenii sverhplastich-nosti v polidispersnoj keramike mullit–oksid cirkonija s razmerom kristallov bolee 10 mkm [About superplasticity manifestation in unequigranular ceramics mullit-zirconium oxide with size of crystals more than 10 microns] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №6. St. 04 (
12. Basargin O.V., Shcheglova T.M., Kolyshev S.G., Nikitina V.Yu., Maksimov V.G., Babashov V.G. Determination of the high-temperature strength of ceramic oxide materials //Glass and Ceramics. 2013. V. 70. №1–2. P. 43–46.
13. Maksimov V.G., Grashhenkov D.V., Lomovskoj V.A., Babashov V.G., Basargin O.V., Kolyshev S.G. Issledovanie vysokotemperaturnoj polzuchesti v polidispersnoj keramike mullit – oksid cirkonija [Research of high-temperature creep in unequigranular ceramics mullit – zirconium oxide] //Steklo i keramika. 2014. №5. S. 36–40.
14. Ivahnenko Ju.A., Babashov V.G., Zimichev A.M., Tinjakova E.V. Vysokotemperaturnye teploizoljacionnye i teplozashhitnye materialy na osnove tugoplavkih soedinenij [High-temperature heatinsulating and heat-protective materials on the basis of high-melting connections] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 380–386.
15. Tinjakova E.V., Grashhenkov D.V. Teploizoljacionnyj material na osnove mullito-korundovyh i kvarcevyh volokon [Heatinsulating material on the basis of mullito-korundovy and quartz fibers] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №3. S. 43–46.
16. Shhetanov B.V., Balinova Ju.A., Ljuljukina G.Ju., Solov'eva E.P. Struktura i svojstva nepre-ryvnyh polikristallicheskih volokon α-Al2O3 [Structure and properties of continuous polycrystalline fibers α-Al2O3] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №1. S. 13–17.
Creation of aviation armor became one of the glorious stages of the history of VIAM, aviation and science. In the war period, its development was of strategic importance for aviation. A special task was given to VIAM: bullet-resistant transparent glazing of aircraft should be developed within a short-time period. It was managed to solve this heavy task due to supreme effort. The laboratory for aircraft glazing established at VIAM had performed a real civil feat. A process for production of transparent armor not only for Il-2 attack aircraft, but also for Yak-1, Yak-3, Yak-9, La-5 and La-7 fighters was developed and commercialized on a tight timetable. In 1946, the related chief designers, top managers and employees of production plants were awarded with Stalin prize for development and mastering of transparent armor production technology. The laboratory for aircraft glazing established at the beginning of the war became a unique center of materials science and technologies of aviati
2. Kablov E.N. Innovacionnye razrabotki FGUP «VIAM» GNC RF po realizacii «Strategicheskih napravleniy razvitiya materialov i tekhnologiy ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda» [Innovative development of VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise of GNTs Russian Federation on implementation «The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»] //Aviacionnye materialy i tekhnologii. 2015. №1 (34). S. 3–33.
3. Kablov E.N. Sovremennye materialy – osnova innovacionnoy modernizacii Rossii [Modern materials – basis of innovative modernization of Russia] //Metally Evrazii. 2012. №3. S. 10–15.
4. Kablov E.N. Aviakosmicheskoe materialovedenie [Aerospace materials science] //Vse materialy. Enciklopedicheskiy spravochnik. 2008. №3. S. 2–14.
5. Gudimov M.M., Perov B.V. Organicheskoe steklo [Organic glass]. M.: Himiya. 1981. 216 s.
6. Gudimov M.M., Sentyurin E.G. Prozrachnaya bronya i organicheskie stekla [The transparent reservation and organic glasses] /V kn. Aviacionnye materialy na rubezhe ХХ–ХХI vekov: Nauch.-tekhnich. sb. M.: VIAM. 1994. S. 370–373.
7. Erasov V.S., Nuzhnyy G.A., Grinevich A.V., Terekhin A.L. Treshchinostoykost' aviacionnyh materialov v processe ispytaniya na ustalost' [Treshchinostoykost of aviation materials in the course of fatigue test] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №11. St. 01 (
8. Sentyurin E.G., Mekalina I.V., Trigub T.S., Klimova S.F. Modificirovannye organicheskie stekla dlya perspektivnoy aviacionnoy tekhniki [The modified organic glasses for perspective aviation engineering] //Vse materialy. Enciklopedicheskiy spravochnik. 2012. №2. S. 2–4.
9. Mekalina I.V., Sentyurin E.G., Klimova S.F., Bogatov V.A. Novye «serebrostoykie» organicheskie stekla [New «serebrostoyky» organic glasses] //Aviacionnye materialy i tekhnologii. 2012. №4. S. 45–48.
10. Mekalina I.V., Bogatov V.A., Trigub T.S., Sentyurin E.G. Aviacionnye organicheskie stekla [Aviation organic glasses] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №11. St. 04 (
11. Mekalina I.V., Sentyurin E.G., Trigub T.S., Ayzatulina M.K. Aviacionnye organicheskie stekla dlya samoletov i vertoletov, ehkspluatiruyushchihsya v morskih usloviyah [Aviation organic glasses for airplanes and the helicopters which are maintaining in sea conditions] //Plasticheskie massy. 2013. №3. S. 63–64.
12. Mekalina I.V., Sentyurin E.G., Trigub T.S., Ayzatulina M.K. Stoykost' aviacionnyh organicheskih stekol k koncentratoram napryazheniy [Resistance of aviation organic glasses to concentrators of tension] //Vse materialy. Enciklopedicheskiy spravochnik. 2012. №4. S. 30–33.
13. Krynin A.G., Hohlov YU.A., Bogatov V.A., Kislyakov P.P. Prozrachnye interferencionnye pokrytiya dlya funkcional'nyh materialov ostekleniya [Transparent interferential coatings for functional materials of glazing] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №11. St. 05 (
14. Mekalina I.V., Trigub T.S., Bogatov V.A., Sentyurin E.G. Novoe vysokoteplostoykoe orientirovannoe orgsteklo marki VOS-2AO [The new high-heatresistant oriented organic glass of the VOS-2AO brand] //Aviacionnye materialy i tekhnologii. 2010. №3. S. 14–19.
15. Bogatov V.A., Trigub T.S., Mekalina I.V., Ayzatulina M.K. Ocenka ehkspluatacionnyh ha-rakteristik novyh teplostoykih organicheskih stekol VOS-1 i VOS-2 [Assessment of utilization properties of new heatresistant organic glasses VOS-1 and VOS-2] //Aviacionnye materialy i tekhnologii. 2010. №1. S. 21–26.
16. Mekalina I.V., Trigub T.S., Petrov A.A., Bogatov V.A. Issledovanie tekhnologicheskih i ehkspluatacionnyh svoystv novyh teplostoykih aviacionnyh orgstekol [Research of technological and operational properties of new heatresistant aviation organic glasses] //Plasticheskie massy. 2013. №10. S. 58–60.
17. Petrov A.A., Klimova S.F., Mekalina I.V., Sentyurin E.G., Bogatov V.A. Novye akrilatnye organicheskie stekla chastichno sshitoy struktury [New acrylate organic glasses of partially sewed structure] //Uspekhi v himii i himicheskoy tekhnologii. 2012. T. XXVI. №4 (133). S. 70–72.
18. Gorelov YU.P., Mekalina I.V., Trigub T.S. i dr. Himicheskoe modificirovanie prozrachnyh akrilatnyh polimerov dlya povysheniya ehkspluatacionnyh svoystv detaley aviacionnogo ostekleniya [Chemical modifying of transparent acrylate polymers for increase of operational properties of details of aviation glazing] //Rossiyskiy himicheskiy zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 79–84.
19. Mekalina I.V., Sentyurin E.G., Bogatov V.A. Novye konstrukcionnye organicheskie stekla [New constructional organic glasses] //Voprosy oboronnoy tekhniki. Ser. 15. 2009. №3–4. S. 33–39.
20. VIAM v gody velikoy otechestvennoy voyny [VIAM in days of the Great Patriotic War] /Avtory-sostaviteli E.N. Kablov, A.P. Petrova, I.M. Demonis: Buklet. M.: VIAM. 2010.
21. Petrov A.A., Mekalina I.V., E.G. Sentyurin, Bogatov V.A. Issledovanie osobennostey izgo-tovleniya detaley ostekleniya iz chastichno sshityh organicheskih stekol [Research of features of manufacturing of details of glazing from partially sewed organic glasses] //Aviacionnye materialy i tekhnologii. 2013. №2. S. 32–34.