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Currently, the use of vacuum impregnation techniques for the production of PCM utilized a number of foreign companies and finds application in mass production of crit-ical parts. To implement this technology in mass production of aircraft structures is necessary to develop PCM is not inferior to the properties of analog, manufactured by autoclave method, as well as technology that provides guaranteed obtaining of con-structions with specified properties.
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Properties of adhesives of industrial rubber assignment developed in VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise, in comparison with domestic and foreign analogs are given. Being self-adhesive materials for temporary operational repair of exterior surface of products of aviation engineering are provided.
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6. Lukina N.F., Anihovskaja L.I., Dement'eva L.A., Petrova A.P., Tjumeneva T.Ju. Klei i klejashhie materialy dlja izdelij aviacionnoj tehniki [Glues and adhesives for aircraft products] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2007. №5. S. 19–27.
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21. Dement'eva L.A., Tjumeneva T.Ju., Sharova I.Ju. Klei s ponizhennoj gorjuchest'ju dlja aviacionnoj tehniki [Adhesives with reduced flammability for aircraft] /V sb. dokladov VI Mezhdunarodnoj konf. «Polimernye materialy ponizhennoj gorjuchesti». VoGTU. 2011. S. 127–128.
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Advantages of repair technologies with use of adhesives materials are shown. The main properties of the domestic and foreign epoxy adhesives used at carrying out number of rescue and recovery operations are given: for elimination of failures and carrying out preventive works on vessels, oil and gas pipelines; in the aviation industry, including cellular designs, and also for the solution of actual problem of car repairs.
2. Sharova I.A., Petrova A.P. Obzor po materialam mezhdunarodnoj konferencii po klejam i germetikam (WAC-2012, Francija) [Browse by materials of the international conference on adhesives and sealants (WAC-2012, France)] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №8. St. 06 (
3. Kablov E.N. Strategicheskie napravlenija razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda [Strategic directions of development of materials and technologies to process them for the period up to 2030] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 7–17.
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The scanning electron microscopy method (SEM) by special technique of high reso-lution has investigates deformation of microphase structure of surface fracture of poly-meric matrix in epoxy carbon-, glass- and organoplastics at mechanical loading. It is shown that under the influence of mechanical loading of composite there is reorganiza-tion of structure of matrix. It is revealed that thermosetting polymeric matrix in the course of mechanical loading are capable (is plastically irreversible) to be deformed up to partial or complete disintegration assotsiats particles of disperse phase with formation of structures of linear type. It is shown that of surface fracture epoxy carbon-, glass- and organoplastics at mechanical loading is defined by the deformation processes of «torsionny» (rotational) type connected with mutual turn of local volumes of matrix (torsions).
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Given in normative and technical literature methods of pore volume fraction and re-inforcing filler fraction definition are integral, i.e. provide information about average value of the analyzed parameter. The method of optical image analysis is method of fiber volume fraction measurement, not requiring application of chemical reagents and providing information on geometrical characteristics of fibers and void and about their distribution in polymeric matrix. The description of the developed techniques of the quantitative analysis of woven and unidirectional polymer composite material structure by optical microscopy is provided in this work.
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Moisture transfer parameters were evaluated for Hexcel CFRP, used in aerospace applications. The additive moisture transfer model was used to investigate the early stages of environmental degradation. After 6 month of outdoor exposure in warm tem-perate maritime climate initial stages of polymer degradation were discovered in surface layer less than 10 µm. Influence of CFRP degradation on the moisture transfer pa-rameters was evaluated.
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Sorption and diffusion model, considering Fickian diffusion, structural relaxation, chemical reactions and the influence of damaged surface was proven to be useful for evaluation of CFRP initial stages of degradation. After 6 month of outdoor exposure in warm temperate maritime climate initial stages of polymer degradation were discovered in surface layer less than 10 µm. The degradation does not affect physico-mechanical properties of composite, but the diffusion coefficient is increased by 65%.
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The influence of climatic aging factors (temperature and humidity) on change of characteristics of fire safety for standard representatives of polymeric composite mate-rials is investigated. It is shown that after exposure at elevated temperature and humidity, depending on the chemical nature of polymeric matrix, characteristics of smoke density and heat release can considerably variation, and change of characteristics can occur as towards improvement, and deterioration.
2. Kablov E.N., Kirillov V.N., Zhirnov A.D., Starcev O.V., Vapirov Ju.M. Centry dlja klimaticheskih ispytanij aviacionnyh PKM [Centers for climatic test aircraft RMB] //Aviacionnaja promyshlennost'. 2009. №4. S. 36–46.
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