The results of researches of solid solution and phase components structure of alloy VGH172 are provided in the course of hot and cold deformation, and also after heat treatment in processing of semi-finished products. Features of forming of structure de-pending on modes of processes are shown.
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The article presents the study of brazed joint defects of the fuel reservoir alloys EP410 and 12H18N10T made VPr4 solder. The interaction between solders and VPr4 VPr1 during double braze gas burner fuel reservoir solder VPr1. Double braze the effect of temperature on the microstructure of solder joints after repair of the fuel reservoir. The efficiency double braze solder VPr1 fuel reservoirs in the elimination of solder joint defects.
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In the course of the work with purpose of the obtaining by sol-gel method protective high-temperature coatings of Y2O3–Al2O3–SiO2 system technique of the preparation film-formation solution was perfected, influence of the components ratio in initial solution on physic-chemical characteristics of solutions, gels and sintered materials was studied, phase formations were studied. Application capability of this coatings to protective SiC materials at high temperature was investigated.
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In article features of application of cold-resistant curing rubbers compounds on the basis of different rubbers in aircraft and astronautics are provided. At operation of low-temperature rubbers in products for aircraft and astronautics it is required along with high it is elastic-deformation characteristics and combination of frost resistance with high ozone and resistant to atmosphere influence, operation in all-weather conditions, and number of cases, resistance to influence of hostile environment is necessary also. In provided article features of application of the cold-resistant rubbers used in aircraft and astronautics are systematized, on basis interest to systematize features of application of the cold-resistant rubbers used in aircraft and astronautics, on the basis of different rubbers interest to systematize features of application of the cold-resistant rubbers used in aircraft and astronautics, on the basis of rubbers of different types. In the carried-out research the fa
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