In the article the mechanical properties of composite glass, carbon and organic plastics based on thermoplastic binders are given (CTM). The methods of manufacturing details from CTM by hot pressing, stamping, bending and welding are described. Properties of the developed flexible and rigid foams are considered.
2. Graschenkov D.V., Chursova L.V. Strategiya razvitiya kompozitsionnyh i funktsional'nyh materialov [Development strategy of composite and functional materials] //Aviatsionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 231–242.
3. Petrova G.N., Barbot'ko S.L., Bolotina L.M., Chebotarev V.P. i dr. Pozharobezopasnye svoystva polisul'fonov [Fire-safe properties of polysulfones] //Plasticheskie massy. 2005. №1. S. 46–48.
4. Petrova G.N., Beyder E.Ya. Konstruktsionnye materialy na osnove armirovannyh termoplastov [Structural materials based on reinforced thermoplastics] //Rossiyskiy himicheskiy zhurnal. 2010. T. LІV. №1. S. 30–40.
5. Muhametov R.R., Ahmadieva K.R. i dr. Novye polimernye svyazuyuschie dlya perspektivnyh metodov izgotovleniya konstruktsionnyh voloknistyh PKM [Novel polymer binders for advanced production methods of structural fibrous polymer composites] //Aviatsionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2011. №2. S. 38–42.
6. Beyder E.Ya., Petrova G.N., Izotova T.F., Barbot'ko S.L. Stekloplastiki na termoplastichnoy matritse [Thermoplastic-matrix fiber-glass plastics] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №7. (elektronnyj zhurnal).
7. Petrova G.N. Napravlennaya modifikatsiya polisul'fonov i sozdanie na ih osnove lit'evyh i kompozitsionnyh materialov [Directed modification of polysulfones and creation of molding and composite materials on their basis]: Avtoref. dis. k.t.n. M.: VIAM. 2011. S. 10–27.
8. Komarov G.A. Sostoyanie, perspektivy i problemy primeneniya PKM v tehnike [Use of PCM in engineering. Current state, aspects and concerns] //Polimernye materialy. 2009. №2. S. 5–9.
9. Petrova G.N., Beider E.Ya. Construction materials based on reinforced thermoplastics Chemistry and Materials Science [Construction materials based on reinforced thermo-plastics Chemistry and Materials Science] //Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2011. V. 81. №5. P. 1001–1007.
10. Kerber M.L., Vinogradov V.M., Golovkin G.S. i dr. Polimernye kompozitsionnye materialy: struktura, svoystva, tehnologiya [Polymer composite materials: structure, properties, technology]. SPb.: Professiya. 2011. S. 32–33
11. Petrova G.N., Beyder E.Ya., Chebotarev V.P. i dr. Regulirovanie svoystv polisul'fonov za schet modifikatsii [Polysulfones properties control through modification] //Plasticheskie massy. 2010. №12. S. 23–27.
12. Donetskiy K.I., Hrul'kov A.V. i dr. Primenenie obemno-armiruyuschih preform dlya izgotovleniya izdeliy iz PKM [Usage of Three-Dimensional Reinforcing Preforms for Production of Polymer Composite Articles] //Aviatsionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №1. S. 35–39.
13. Komarov G.V. Soedinenie detaley iz polimernyh materialov [Assembly of parts made of polymer materials]: Ucheb. posob. SPb.: Professiya. 2006. S. 337–443.
14. Mihaylin Yu.A. Termoustoychivye polimery i polimernye materialy [Thermally stable polymers and polymer materials]. SPb.: Professiya. 2006. S. 240–347.
15. Beyder E.Ya., Gureeva E.V., Petrova G.N. Penopoliimidy [Foamed polyimides] //Vse materialy. Entsiklopedicheskiy spravochnik. 2012. №6. S. 2–8.
The article describes the operational and technological properties of thermoplastic molding compositions, including high heat resistance, and thermoplastic elastomers – a new class of polymers that combine the power of plastic deformation and rubber processing thermoplastics. Polymers designed to meet requirements of АП-25 for the production of flammability and smoke.
2. Perov B.V., Surnin E.G. Termoplastichnye polimernye materialy mnogofunktsional'nogo naznacheniya [Multifunctional thermoplastic polymer materials] /V sb. Aviatsionnye materialy. Izbrannye trudy «VIAM» 1932–2002. Yubileynyj nauchno-tehnicheskiy sbornik. M.: VIAM. 2002. S. 281–290.
3. Ekardt G. Sostoyanie i perspektivy lit'ya pod davleniem izdeliy iz PM [Current state and trends of polymer products molding] //Polimernye materialy. 2007. №7. S. 16–24.
4. Romashin A.G., Vikulin V.V., Muhin N.V. Progressivnye tehnologii i polimernye kompozitsionnye materialy dlya aviatsionnoy i raketno-kosmicheskoy tehniki HHΙ veka [Advanced technologies and polymer composite materials for aviation and aerospace engineering of XXI century] /V sb. Teoriya i praktika tehnologiy proizvodstva izdeliy iz kompozitsionnyh materialov i novyh metallicheskih splavov (TPKMM): Trudy Mezhdunarodnoy konf. M.: Znanie. 2004. S. 531–543.
5. Graschenkov D.V., Chursova L.V. Strategiya razvitiya kompozitsionnyh i funktsional'nyh materialov [Development strategy of composite and functional materials] //Aviatsionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 231–242.
6. Petrova G.N., Abakumova N.M., Rumyantseva T.V. i dr. Pozharobezopasnye lit'evye termoplasty [Fire-safe molding thermoplastics] //Plasticheskie massy. 2005. №1. S. 45–46.
7. Yuldashev A.H. Kompozitsionnye polimernye materialy konstruktsionnogo naznacheniya v mashinostroenii [Structural polymer composite materials in the mechanical engineering] //Kompozitsionnye materialy. 2010. №4. S. 71–73.
8. Geoff G. Plastics in defense and safety //Plast. Eng. 2011. V. 6. №9. R. 28–31.
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11. Petrova G.N., Beider E.Ya. Molding thermoplastic materials for aerospace industry – Chemistry and Materials Science //Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2011. V. 81. №5. Р. 1008–1013.
12. Petrova G.N., Beyder E.Ya. Pozharobezopasnye lit'evye termoplasty dlya aviakosmicheskoy tehniki [Fire-safe molding thermoplastics for the aerospace engineering] //Vse materialy. Entsiklopedicheskiy spravochnik. 2008. №8. S. 47–49.
13. Mihaylin Yu.A. Termoustoychivye polimery i polimernye materialy [Thermally stable polymers and polymer materials]. SPb.: Professiya. 2006. S. 183–240.
14. Hazova T.N. Sostoyanie rynka v proizvodstve polikarbonata [Market conditions in production of polycarbonate] //Mezhdunarodnye novosti mira plastmass. 2005. №1–2. S. 35, 36, 39.
15. «Makrolon» kak faktor rosta Bayer v industrii polikarbonatov [Makrolon as the Bayer's growth factor in the industry of polycarbonates] //Chem. J. 2007. №2. S. 38–39.
16. Petrova G.N. Napravlennaya modifikatsiya polisul'fonov i sozdanie na ih osnove lit'evyh i kompozitsionnyh materialov [Directional modification of polysulfones and formation of molding and composite materials on their basis]: Avtoref. dis. k.t.n. M.: VIAM. 2011. 27 s.
17. Kravchenko T.P., Ermakov S.N., Kerber M.L., Kostyagina V.A. Nauchno-tehnicheskie problemy polucheniya kompozitsionnyh materialov na osnove konstruktsionnyh termoplastov [Scientific and technical problems of producing composite materials based on structural thermoplastics] //Plasticheskie massy. 2010. №10. S. 32–34.
18. Bolduev V. Sovmeschaya nesovmestimoe [Combining the incompatible] //Plastiks. 2010. №4. S. 44–48.
19. Petrova G.N., Rumyantseva T.V., Beyder E.Ya. Vliyanie modifitsiruyuschih dobavok na pozharobezopasnye svoystva i tehnologichnost' polikarbonata [Effect of modifying additives on fire-safe properties and processability of polycarbonate] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №6. (elektronnyj zhurnal).
20. Ermakov S.N., Kerber M.L., Kravchenko T.P. Himicheskaya modifikatsiya i smeshenie polimerov pri reaktsionnoy ekstruzii [Chemical modification and polymer blending in the process of reactive extrusion] //Plasticheskie massy. 2007. №10. S. 32–41.
21. Petrova G.N., Beyder E.Ya., Chebotarev V.P. i dr. Regulirovanie svoystv polisul'fonov za schet modifikatsii [Polysulfones properties control through modification] //Plasticheskie massy. 2010. №12. S. 23–27.
22. Mihaylin Yu.A. Pokazateli ognestoykosti PM i metody ih opredeleniya [Fire resistance criteria of polymer materials and methods for their determination] //Polimernye materialy. 2011. №8. S. 32–34.
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This paper deals with basic principles of creating damping materials for aviation use, namely basic theoretic concepts, requirements to the materials, different kinds of materials and their comparative characteristics.
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22. Petrova G.N., Perfilova D.N., Gryaznov V.I., Beyder E.Ya. Termoplastichnye elastomery dlya zameny rezin [Thermoplastic elastomers for the substitution of rubbers] //Aviatsionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 302–308.
Designed, researched and passported aviation heat-resistant acrylate organic glass, next generation SO-120S, VOS-1 and VOS-2 efficient in an interval of temperatures from 160 to 200°C, with enhanced optical and physical-mechanical characteristics. Mastered industrial production of new organic glass. Developed normative-technical documentation on the new plexiglass, which allows to produce parts of glazing for aircraft of new organic glass partially crosslinked structure. Studies of models of natural elements of glass elements of the new organic glass for forecasting and terms of use.
2. Gudimov M.M. Treschiny serebra na organicheskom stekle [Cracks of silver on an organic glass]. M.: TsIPKK AP. 1997. 260 s.
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5. Graschenkov D.V., Chursova L.V. Strategiya razvitiya kompozitsionnyh i funktsional'nyh materialov [Development strategy of composite and functional materials] //Aviatsionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 231–242.
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8. Gorelov Yu.P., Mekalina I.V., Trigub T.S., Shalaginova I.A., Sentyurin E.G., Bogatov V.A., Ayzatulina M.K. Himicheskoe modifitsirovanie prozrachnyh akrilatnyh polimerov dlya povysheniya ekspluatatsionnyh svoystv detaley aviatsionnogo ostekleniya [Chemical modification of transparent acrylic polymers for an improvement of operational properties of aircraft glazing parts] //Rossiyskiy himicheskiy zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 79–84.
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17. Mekalina I.V., Trigub T.S., Bogatov V.A., Sentyurin E.G. Novoe vysokoteplostoykoe orientirovannoe orgsteklo marki VOS-2AO [New high-thermostable oriented organic glass of VOS-2AO type] //Aviatsionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №3. S. 14–19.
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The results of studies of the functional properties of the transparent heat-radioprotective aircraft glazing material on the basis of organic glass with optical interference coating, and the results of environmental tests of experimental models of heat-radioprotective glazing are done.
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